More than okay

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"Would you like to go outside? It's quite warm tonight." Stevie suggested, already reaching for her nth glass of wine that night. 

"I'd love to." Paul nodded, standing up first, offering Stevie his arm, to which she smiled as they walked out to the backyard, taking a seat on the patio. "Come on then, tell me the truth."

"What truth?" Stevie raised an eyebrow, thinking she's was going to be asked something related to Lindsey.

"You can't remember the last time you were on a date?"

Chuckling at that, Stevie shrugged, sipping her wine. "It is the truth. I keep telling everyone how happy I am with the way things are and I am happy, but... It'd be nice to come home to someone after a long and exhausting tour. I'm fine when I'm on the road, but once it's over and I come back, it can get very lonely. That's the reason why I'm not living in that massive, expensive house I bought, instead I reside in a one bedroom condo."

"You see, I find it so hard to believe. You're a gorgeous woman, Stevie. I just met you, but you're fun to be around, you've got endless stories to share, it's interesting listening to you. Unless you're incredibly hard to be with, I can't see any other reason why you're single."

Smiling somewhat sadly, Stevie looked at Paul, who sat beside her, circling the rim of her glass. "I'm sure I'm not easy to be with. I've tried dating people out of the industry, but they just don't get it. None of them understood why I have to go back into studio for another album, another tour, all the events I have to attend to stay relevant... They all wanted me for themselves. I get it, no one likes to share, but this is what my life is. I'm never going to stay at home, get back to a 9 to 5 job, cook three meals a day and fall asleep in front of the TV."

"But that's exactly what makes you different from anybody else. What you've just described is a complete waste of a life, the way I see it. You're exciting. It doesn't matter how old you are, you still want to keep going, keep working, keep doing what you love."

Facing Paul again, the way Stevie was looking at him, was somehow different. Cocking her head to one side, she said... "If I didn't know any better, I'd say you were trying to sweet talk your way into my room."

His genuine, wholehearted laughter caught Stevie off guard. She felt silly for saying what she did and Paul noticed it right away. "Please, don't look at me like that. You're not wrong, I just got caught. I thought I was a bit more subtle." He shrugged, finishing the last of his whiskey.

"Excuse me?" Stevie was confused, the sincerity in her voice making Paul smile.

"We've been flirting all night long. I'm sure you can tell that I like you." He admitted easily, his eyes on hers. "I don't want to come across as a self-assured asshole, who just expects for things to go his way. It just happened. I didn't even know you were going to be here tonight. I enjoy your company a lot. I'm not a player or whatever kids say these days." Paul added, hoping to lighten up the mood and he succeeded, making Stevie laugh. 

"One particular song is playing in my head right now..." Stevie teased, leaning a bit more into Paul's side. 

"Well, good thing I'm definitely not a player then."

They smiled at each other, then grew quiet, however it wasn't uncomfortable if anything, the two of them found the moment rather enjoyable. 

After some time, it was Stevie, who straightened up, bringing her hand to Paul's face, making their eyes lock. His arm wrapped itself around her waist, pulling her closer, when she leaned in for a kiss. They took their time, getting to know each other in a more intimate way. Stevie parted her lips gladly, sensing his slight hesitation considering his next move. They made out for a while, hands beginning to wander, both eliciting moans from each other. 

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