He always said that I was his guardian angel. The thing he loved most about me was my blue eyes. They started indigo around the edges but became azure around the iris. They were framed with thick and naturally long lashes. He also loved my thick chestnut brown hair which was always cascading in waves across my shoulders. Then, my hair had been to the middle of my back. Now it was down to my waist. Even though my skin was as pale as his, it still didn't seem to have the faint and subtle luminosity that his did.

I sighed as I stood up and stretched out my white wings. The wind blew my loose dress against my petite body as I lifted up into the air. I had met Vlad on the hill of ashes because it was underneath a portal between our realms. It was in the human realm, though the humans didn't call this blackened hill the hill of ashes.

The tears had stopped but it still caused me pain to remember the last day I had seen him as my Vlad.


"Vlad, please don't go." I pleaded him for the hundredth time.

He stopped outside the portal and drew me to him. He had been on many missions, but none was ever dangerous as this one. He had never been sent to the realm of the demons on a mission. It was even more dangerous for him because he had been touched by the devil.

He took my face in his hands and promised, "I will be back." as he leant down and lightly touched his lips to mine.

I pulled back and said "How can you know that? You can't be sure that you'll come back."

He looked into my eyes and said seriously, "I know that I will come back because I love you and neither heaven nor hell will ever keep me away from you." It brought tears to my eyes, seeing him leaving. I was scared to think, that he might not come back.

I wiped my tears away and  prepared myself to say good bye to him. "I'll hold you to that promise. You better return or else." I threatened him, making a pout face.

He smiled and hugged me tightly to him. "You will become an Elite whilst I'm away and when I come back – which I will – I will become one too. Think of that." He encouraged.

I tried to give him a smile, and nodded at him. "I'll miss you, Vlad."

He smiled and kissed my forehead. "I will miss you too, more than anything."

I buried my face in his chest. "By the way, I love you." I confessed.

He lifted me up and pulled my face to his and kissed me passionately. It was our goodbye kiss. When he pulled back he said, "I love you too. More than my own life."

I held the tears back whilst he stepped back from me and took a step towards the portal. "Goodbye." He said.

I smiled but I felt like doing anything but. "Goodbye." I whispered as I watched him disappear.

Flashback Ends→

That was the last time I had seen him as my Vlad. I had gone on to become an Elite, just like he had said and I had waited every day for his return. When he at last returned, he was different.


The portal shimmered as Vlad was about to come through. I smiled and my heart felt like it would burst. It had been a very long month.

His body finally began to appear starting from below and at last he stepped through and I took a step towards him and cried, "Vlad!" As I prepared to jump at him. I froze when I took a proper look at him. "You aren't Vlad!" I gasped.

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