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I was waiting on the hill of ashes, just as he had requested. The hill was a broad knoll with a flat rocky top, to one side the escarpment fell away sharply, to the other it rolled away, gently undulant with tussocks. The grass grew thick and coarse. My heart beat was uneven and had a jagged rhythm as I waited for him. I didn't wanted him to come, I didn't wanted to see the different him. It scared me more than anything in this world could. But at the same time, I couldn't help but yearn for his coming. My body had grown accustomed to his and the need to be near him was not something that would ever go away with time. It would never go away, despite the fact that I wished that it would.

My nails dug into my palms as I waited for the man that I loved, or had loved. I still wasn't sure whether or not I still loved him. He was different now. I leaned unconsciously towards the south - the direction he was coming from. I closed my eyes as tears threatened to escape. The wind blew around me and whipped my hair around my face. I raised a clenched fist and pulled it back but the wind just blew it free again. My fists started to shake with frustration. I couldn't make anything work. I couldn't make my life work and I couldn't make something as simple as keeping my hair in place work. It was as if the whole world was against against me.

A tear escaped and trickled down my cheek. Before I could wipe it away another finger did. This finger was smooth and cold against the warm summer night, but it was not comforting. I slowly opened my eyes and met the gaze of Vlad, the Demon of hatred, and the love of my life.

"You came." he said in a subdued voice which did not hide his surprise.

"I said I would be here." I replied stiffly and confidently, keeping my head high.

He flinched at my tone and dropped his hand. For a second his beautiful eyes showed an emotion brewing beneath the surface, but whatever emotion it was, it was replaced by anger.

"I can feel your hate radiating off of you. Do you still hate me?" he asked in a mocking voice.

I turned my head and glared at the East. "What do you want?" I asked flatly.

He scowled. "This battle is pointless. You can't defeat us. We offer peace," - he sneered at the word - "to your group of angels."

I closed my eyes before opening them and staring up at him. How sad, that we couldn't express our true feelings around each other.

"Leave, Vlad. I will not fall for your false pretenses of peace. I have already made that mistake." I reminded him in a quiet voice, as the flashback kept clicking into my mind.

His face rippled in pain but he gained control of his expression and smirked at me arrogantly. His lips curled up into a mocking smile. How I hated this expression of cold malice that seemed to permanently live on his face. I missed the old expressions that used to be there, the ones that told me that he loved me.

I had always been strong. I had never shown my weaknesses and I had never let anyone see my pain. In this way I was very similar to Vlad. Neither of us showed our pain. I stared up at him and my blue eyes locked with his.

Suddenly, I felt his fingers running through my hair. "Your hair is longer." he said softly. It felt so soothing. How could I forget the feeling whenever he used to touch me?

As I gained my composure I snapped back at him, "That tends to happen as time goes by. Too bad you weren't there to see it happen." I harshly snatched his hand from my hair and threw it away from me.

He glared at me and the expression that I hated seemed to be permanently etched into his face. "I had my reasons for leaving." He said briskly. This statement made me more angry.

Angels And Demons | ✓Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz