Regain an old memories

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Normal POV

"i remember about that day and beginning of my curse"said Sakura.

",you know why they're cursing your heart?"


"it was so sad....and to painful to remember..." Sakura started crying.


"i...i never know..."

"that...i was"

"i...shouldn't have been born..."

"because of of Haruno clan was..." Sakura crying as she remember her parents and Haruno clan was died.

Unconsiously,Sasuke grab her shoulder and make Sakura look up to him still crying.

"that's not true..."Sasuke said serious.

Sakura didn't say anything but her crying stopped and hear Sasuke said.Sasuke took a deep breath and continued.

"you're not a monster,you are a human like me..."

"they must have a another reason beside that"

"i know the feeling..."

"because i'm a monster too"

"you're not killing your parents"

"i'm killing them! i was the reason of their death!! and you don't know about me!!" Sakura shouted.Sasuke see a sad feeling on her eyes.It's make him hurt to see.Sasuke pull Sakura to his body and hug her.

"you're right,i don't know much about you.Didn't i tell you? i know the's so hurt that made me want to's so hard to forget too.."a tears come out from Sasuke eyes.

"you said you remember everything right,are you remember what your mother or father said before dead?"

Sakura trying to remember that.Someone voice was ringing again inside her head.Sakura listen it carefully and closed her eyes.

"we always love you,Sakura..." her mother said before the killer's friend spray sleeping gas to us.

Before Sakura lose consiousness,Sakura saw mom and dad smiling sad.After Sakura woke up and runaway from the killer,Sakura was all alone and saw their corpse.Their body Sakura cannot exspress,Sakura continued her run without looking back while crying.

Sakura came back to her castle,she was crying so hard until tommorow.After a weeks,she meet Ino and the others while Sakura go to Konoha.

When Sakura meet them,her sadness was gone and feel happier than before.

Sakura look up to see Sasuke's face and cupping his cheek.

"Thank you Sasuke..." Sakura smiled.

"hn.."Sasuke smiling a little.

"i'm sorry for shouting to you earlier" Sakura look down.

"it's okay,i'm sorry too"

Sasuke and Sakura smiled.Something behind them is coming,it was Naruto and the others.

"everyone!!"Sakura said happily.Ino smiled relief to see Sakura was safe.

"Sakura!"Ino and the girls run to Sakura.

"thanks goodness you're okay! i'm so worried that you..."Hinata crying.

"we're so worried that you suddenly gone in front of us.I thought it was Orochimaru's doing.So we come here."Temari said.

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