Chapter Four - Training

Start from the beginning

You nodded quickly as he turned and walked away. Sighing to recover from the fear of a killer suddenly appearing behind you, you quickly ran out of the room and down the stairs.

Jeff was leaning against the door, arms crossed. He looked as grumpy as usual. 'Clocky' on the other hand, smiled kindly at you. "Hey, (Y/N)!" She greeted. "Ready to go?"

You nodded with an uneasy smile.

It didn't take long to get to the training area - it was at least a 10-15 minute walk. On the way you noticed that the trees seemed to become thicker, and even closer together, save for a small 'path' just big enough for two people to walk side-by-side.

"Well, here it is." Jeff announced. You tilted your head to the side; where was it? The only thing in front of you was a thick line of trees. You couldn't look between them, they were so close together. Suddenly Clocky walked towards a couple of bushes.

"In here." She called as she vanished into the bushes. You glanced at Jeff, who nodded and followed suit. You hesitated, but followed them.

Surprisingly, the bush was practically hollow, making moving much easier. Clocky was waiting, but Jeff had already stepped into the field. "Ready?" Clocky smiled. When you nodded she turned and walked through the other side of the bush. You slowly followed her, and as soon as you got out you stopped to take everything in.

On one side of the field, there were many worn training dummies. They all had some form of 'injury', from slashes to bullet holes. Near them were targets, which were also covered in bullet holes. On the opposite side, there were multiple stations, each containing an array of weapons; knives and daggers to guns and even bows. There seemed to be a completely different area for ammo, many different types of bullets and arrows, among other things.

Explains why it's so hidden. You thought.

Clocky, standing beside you, smiled and put an arm around your shoulders. "Pretty cool, huh?" She asked. You nodded, and she started leading you towards the weapons area. "Almost every weapon in existence is in this area." She smiled, motioning to them. "Take your pick. Though, if I may make a suggestion," Her voice suddenly lowered. "take a knife. Best choice for beginners." She winked.

You nodded slowly and went to browse the knives. Ballistic knives, butterfly knives, karambits, shanks, throwing knives... They were all here.

"Go ahead. Choose one." Clocky smiled. You nodded slowly and grabbed a simple pocketknife. Clocky pulled out her own knife and headed towards the training dummies. Sighing shakily to fight down slight anxiety you followed her, tightening your grip on the knife.

"So, do you know anything about fighting?" Clocky asked, stopping at one of the dummies. You shook your head, and she smiled. "That's okay! I'm willing to teach you the basics. Not sure about him, though." She said, pointing a thumb over her shoulder to the male behind her as he examined a few weapons. You nodded slowly, and Clocky pocketed her knife. "Sit, if you want. We can start with the best places to target." You nodded and sat down on the ground in front of her and the dummy. Once you were ready, she started pointing out pressure points and weak spots.


Training went pretty well. Jeff critiqued your fighting ability, though he mostly ordered you around and seemed to enjoy constantly reminding you your posture wasn't correct. Each time he opened his mouth Clocky looked ready to sew it closed.

Clocky had been the complete opposite. She did point out where you made a mistake, but she gave advice afterwards, and helped you until you were confident you could do whatever you needed to on your own. In a surprisingly short amount of time you knew a chain of defensive moves to protect yourself against a few fatal attacks.

Clocky heaved a sigh, wiping sweat off her forehead after demonstrating moves with Jeff. "Think we should call it a day." She said. "We shouldn't keep you out long. C'mon, let's put our stuff away." She beckoned for you to follow as she walked back to the area where you got your knife. Jeff was waiting by the bush when you and Clocky were done. He had his arms crossed and yelled, "Come on, I don't have all damn day!" Clocky's response was to flip him off then smile innocently at you. The walk home seemed shorter than on the way to the training area. Along the way, you asked Clocky some simple questions, such as how many CreepyPastas were there, and some additional information about them. You decided to try and ask about what Slender said, about you being their only hope. She changed the subject. Frowning, you stopped asking her questions.

Soon you arrived at the manor.

"I don't think you're needed for anything else." Clocky said while Jeff wandered off. "Feel free to wander around. Talk to people. No one will hurt you, unless they want to deal with Slender." She smiled. You nodded slowly and she walked away. You stood still for a moment before going up to your new room. Once there you closed the door and locked it, then flopped down on the bed. For a few moments, you lay still, emotionless. Suddenly all the feelings you'd been holding back rose to the surface all at once. You curled up on the bed, shutting your eyes and gritting your teeth as you held back the urge to scream. Tears soaked into your pillow and blanket. You're not sure when you fell asleep, but you do know that you didn't stop crying beforehand.


im sorry i didnt upload sooner oops

think of this as an early christmas gift

love u guys <3

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