Chapter 8 ~Alec~

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    I feel tears sting my eyes. Just one things where going perfect they fall again. My parents sniffle a sob while Izzy stands in shock. I can't imagine losing my sister.

  "I'll take the treatments.",she says without shedding a single tear.

  "Very well,I shall be on my way then. Best of luck to you and your family",he says. He walks out the door without another word. Izzy leaves to go to her room and my parents and Max follow. I go up to mine and Jace follows.

  "Jace I wanna be alone. I don't feel like talking,I say while entering my room and falling onto my bed.

  "Who said anything about talking?",he asks. He comes and lays by me snuggling up to me. He kisses my cheek and I smile.: It's all gonna be ok. You have to have faith Alec.",he says while nuzzling against my neck.

  I wanna have faith I really do but they are just normal mundanes they can't do anything for her. Why didnt the freaking angel make a freaking rune for cancer? At this point I'm angry. I get up and start throwing things. "Take it easy Alec. Breathe, I know you're angry. We all are. He comes over to me and kisses me. I guess I was making a lot of noise because standing at the door....

Was my mother.

  Short chapter sorry! I was in a hurry! HOPED YOU ENJOYED!!!

Like a 'brother' (A Jace and Alec fanfic)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang