chapter 3 ~Alec~

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It deleted again!!!! I have wrote 2 different parts and guess what? BOTH WENT BOOM! That's it. I am gonna make this really sad and I am giving a cliffhanger! Cause everyone loves those ;)

~A week later~

   I'm pretty sure Jace hates me. He hasn't talked to me in a week!! I don't know what his deal is. He won't even come out of his room!! I have definitely freak him out. Therefore I am ashamed of my doing of wrong.  I wish I could make him forget but I can't. Life just doesn't work that way. I don't think I made a mistake of telling him. The sooner the better right? My sister has seemed a little down too. Maybe they hooked up and it didn't work out? That's happened once before but I thought they where fine after that. I guess not. Or maybe it's something else. I feel bad for having my happy attitude when everyone in the institute is sad and burden down? What the heck is wrong with everyone?

   I wanna try and make everything better but I really don't know how. But I wish there was something I could do. I hate seeing everyone sad like this. I'm gonna find out what the heck is going on with everyone.

  I guess it all started a few days ago when mom got this random phone call. She seemed sad after it. Like really sad. Like when I found out that *spoiler* was A on pretty little liars. But just a little sadder. And that is REEALLLYY sad!!!! Maybe she got bad news about one of her relatives or something. I wonder is the phone call has something to do with the freaking sadness around here. But probably not.

  I hear a knock on my door and Max peeks his head in my door. I laugh and motion for him to come in. "Hey little dude", I say. At least he seems  a little happier than the rest of them. YAY! I have hope!

 "Have you noticed everyone is sad?"? I nod. Glad I wasn't just imagining something. I raise my eye brow at him in a questioning manner as if to say do you know why. He shakes his head. Well you aren't any help you like poop! He walks out of the room closing the door behind him. Really? No goodbye? Rude much? Oh well. I lay down on my bed. As soon as I start dozing off my door opens. Uh does anyone knock? I could be naked? Or worse!

 "Hey honey we need to tell you something", My mom says. Oh it was my parents. Oh no what happened? Is there something wrong?

 "What is it?", I ask.

 "It's Izzy", she says. Oh gosh not my sister. Maybe it's good news. Maybe she's pregnant? I don't wanna say that. She is slutty enough to pregnant. Just kidding. I love my sister.

 "Is there something wrong?", I ask. My mother nods when a tears fill her eyes. I stand and hug her. "Mommy what's wrong with her?", I ask in a panic.

  "Izzy has stage 6 cancer in her arm", she replies starting to sob. At that moment. I feel like the world collapses around me.

  CLIFF HANGER!! I thought that this would really sense up the story a little bit. Oh and remember. Runes can heel. But can they heal cancer? We will find out next update!

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