Probably Die of Lack of Awesomeness

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You sat up immediately in your bed,quickly grabbing your phone. You slid your thumb against the screen to open it,and read his text.

"Is something wrong? Are you okay?" you must have taken longer then you thought,rereading his text,because he sen another. "Y/n?"

After you read his text,it suddenly struck you that you didnt hae his number before and you had just randomly texted him at near midnight. You replied quickly so that you would avoid the possibility of worrying the poor kid to death,"I'm fine...well" you stopped typing and came to the decision of being as hones as possible," no actually I'm not. This guy kissed me and then just left me." 

Seconds after your reply,he responded.

" I cant really help you with that...I dont really want to talk about it."

"You're the one who did it. I DO want to talk about it. You cant just do that to a girl,Nico." 

It was silent for awhile. Nearly five minutes passed before he replied. "I know. I would take it back if I could."

Well that sent a sharp pang of hurt throughout your chest. It felt like a needle to the heart and though you were hesitant to admit it,you knew why it did:

You had feelings for Nico ever since the camping trip and now it was like he just destroyed any chance you thought you two shared. You took a deep breathe to compose yourself before responding.

" I see. Well then I should get going. That answered all my questions. Goodnight." you sent your reply before deleting the contact and laying your phone back down on your nightstand. You sat in the dark,biting your lip to hold back the tear you felt stinging in your eyes.

' It was a mistake.' you thought,' It's nothing more then a mistake to him.'


The rest of the week and half into the next,you stayed in bed. You were wrapped in your blanket burrito that you had made,basically wallowing in your mixed feelings of anger and sorrow. What were you really mad for? He didnt really betray you by promising anything or say you two were anything more then aquaintances to start with. So it was purely just hatred towards the frustration you felt and that the moment you two had at the end of the camping trip that clearly meant more to you the him; something to him that was nothing more then a mistake.

The sorrow was more like self pity. You were upset at the feelings you formed and how quickly he was able to ruin them. It hurt...alot.

It was about three in the afternoon when your sister and Percy were sitting on the end of your bed,nagging your for the hundredth time to get out of bed. You shook your head at their most recent effort at getting you to rejoin reality.

" Y/n,come o. You wont tell us why you are even upset. You tell us everything." you heard Percy's voice from the outside of the cover your were sheltered by. You heard Annabeth begin to say something before one of your parents had called her name,resulting in the absence of her company. It was quiet after Annabeth left,but you knew Percy as still there. Suddenly your bed creaked slightly and bent as something moved beside you. You barely moved the blanket to see Percy,who had moved to sit beside you with his back against the headboard of the bed. You watched his face as he stared straight ahead before looking down at you. He didnt say anything,just sighed and gently grabbed your shoulders,pulling you into a hug. You stiffened under his arms before hearing him talk in a quiet voice.

"It hurts alot that you wont even tell me whats wrong. I dont know whats upsetting you,but as you're closest friend,I'm not leaving till you do." he said,his arms tightening barely as he spoke.

Your anger seemed to melt as you realized how much you were worrying Percy. You sat up,pulling out of his arms and taking the covers from around you. You leaned your back up against the headboard beside Percy,before looking over at him.

"Im sorry..." you apologized and he gave you a sympathetic smile.

"Dont be,just tell me whats wrong."

After he said that,it was almost as if a waterfall of emotions fell as words. You explained what happened since the first day of the camping trip. Percy's face remained rather emotionless throughout the entire explanation. Once you finished,you waited patiently for his advice or at very least,comments on the situation. It was a solid thirty seconds before he said anything.

" You were Nico's firs kiss?" he asked, looking slightly amused and a bit confused.

You punched his arm,feeling your cheeks burn. He just chuckled.

"What do I do?" you complained in a whine.

"Go get his sorry ass." Percy said as if it were obvious.

"But he said he would have taken it back. He didnt even mean it." you commented.Percy just shook his head.

"Come on,Y/n. Look,Nico has a pretty small world of things he actually cares about. Thankfully I am in that world even though I am pretty sure he cares about the dog more then me," he joked," and now,surprisingly, you are too. Nico wouldnt act so passionately about something if he didnt care alot about it." he said before smiling at you. "He's gotta like you alot to have gotten the nerve up to kiss you."

You blushed harder and smiled sheepishly at Percy,"Thanks Jackson. I have no idea what I would do without you."

" Probably die of lack of awesomeness." he said confidently,winking.

" Or have a longer lifespan because she wouldnt have to fear for her safety around your clumsy ass." you heard Annabeth comment. You both turned your attention over to the blonde,leaning against the door frame. " You wouldnt tell me you had a crush on Nico, but you would tell Percy?" she asked,crossing her arms over her chest. " What kind of twin betrayal is that?"

You laughed which caused Annabeth to smile. " Sorry. Hey Ann?"


" I like Nico. Alot."

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