Chapter 11

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Matsumoto POV

"I should probably call him..." I mumbled quietly "he should get things cleaned up and hidden."
I took out my phone and dialed his number it rang twice.
"hello?" the man answered "what is it?"
I sighed loudly, can he get any more rude.

"I wanted to call and let you know everyone is getting suspicious of you, and I'd hurry back if I were you." I whispered "captain and momo are running around looking for you...get back here asap renji."
"ah, captain hitsugaya is looking for me Eh?" renji laughed "well he won't have to search much longer, I'm on my way back."

"is (Y/N) okay renji?" I asked worriedly "I've been thinking about (Y/N) ever since you took her, I need to know that's she's okay and well. now."
"don't worry, my sweetie is just fine~" renji cooed "she just woke up not that long ago actually, she seemed hurt me."
"well what do you expect renji??" I yelled "you drugged (Y/N) and kidnapped her!"

"shh!" renji shouted "be quiet or someone will hear you."
"renji, I don't like this one bit. put (Y/N) on the phone right now." I hissed.
"ah, sorry matsumoto I can't do that right now." renji said "(Y/N) is busy right now~"
"busy with what??" I questioned "renji what is (Y/N) 'busy' with?"

I heard screaming on the other end of the phone, a cold sweat went down my spine.
"renji that was (Y/N) what's going on!?" I yelled "RENJI WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING TO (Y/N)!?"
"well I have to go now! bye~!" renji hung up the phone. I needed to tell captain hitsugaya about everything. right now before something terrible happened to (Y/N).

hey friends, it's been forever since I updated this and I apologize. more health and family things came up, and doctors appointments etc. sorry, I always feel like I'm making excuses. I'm a terrible person. anyways, WHAT THE WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU READERS? WHAT DID RENJI DO TO YOU? WILL TOSHIRO MAKE IT TO YOU IN TIME? WHATS GONNA HAPPEN!?


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