Chapter 5: Toshiro's Feelings

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This whole chapter is through Toshiro's POV friendly reminder!
(this chapter is based off of his feelings from the last chapter)

When renji came to my office to pick up (Y/N) for lunch I suddenly got angry. I'm not sure as to why but it irked me the way she looked at him. The way her eyes lit up, that soft smile, how she seemed so excited that he was in her presence. I couldn't help but stare at him coldly, I was just so angry. I needed to find out why this bothered me so much.

I had to find momo and ask her about these feelings, she would know the answer to this. When I finally found momo I got nervous to ask her about this, but why would get nervous I never get nervous! I need answers to this.
"oi momo." I called out to her.
She turned around and came running up to me.
"shiro-chan! How are you? Why are you here?" she asked with a soft smile.

"address my as Captain Hitsugaya!" I yelled "and I'm here because I need to ask you about some things.." I mumbled.
"Eh? What could these things possibly be?" she asked as she tilted her head.
"let's go to my back to my office and talk about it." I said as we made our way back to the 10th Division.

We sat down on the couch in my office as we started our little talk.
"well yesterday abarai came and picked up (Y/N) for lunch, and the way she looked and reacted to when he came to get her made me angry." I explained the whole story to her.
"well shiro-chan." she giggled.
"it seems as though you have a case of jealousy on your hands." she said as a smirk creeped it's way on her face.

I looked at her dumbfounded.
"jealous? me? no, you're wrong momo." I stated "I don't like (Y/N) in that way in any shape or form." I said sharply.
"it also seems that you're in denial about you're feelings towards (Y/N)-chan!" she exclaimed with a serious face. I didn't know what to say, so I just stared down at the floor. I didn't even notice that momo was now standing in front of the door.
"well, I'm going to head back now come talk to more often shiro-chan!" I she said as she closed the door.

"was momo right? do I really feel that way towards (Y/N)?" I asked myself "no she's only been working here for about a week and a half there's no way I could develop such feelings so fast, nor could I develop such feelings in the first place." I quietly stated. I got up off the couch and made my way to my desk knowing matsumoto and (Y/N) would be coming soon...well (Y/N) for sure would be here soon.

Just then the door slide open and the one person that I wanted to see came bouncing in and made her way to her desk.
"good morning Captain!" she exclaimed with that soft beautiful smile of hers "how are you doing today?" she asked with a slightly worried expression.
"I'm doing fine, you seem extra bubbly this morning." I said with a slightly cold tone "what's gotten into you?" I asked curiously. I wanted I needed to know why.

"oh nothing really, I'm just excited for lunch!" she exclaimed "renji and I are going to try the new dumplings today!" she said happily.
"ah I see." I said as I started on my paperwork "well hurry up and start working already." I said cold and sharp. I didn't mean to, I was just mad again I wasn't sure what else to do. I glanced up to see her staring at her paperwork with a hurt look, I wanted to apologize but I couldn't. I was mad at her for bringing him up. We sat in silence and worked until lunch rolled around, and yet again abarai came and picked her up and she reacted the same way as yesterday.

After she left I sat there and stared down my paperwork, I couldn't start working on it. I was too mad and depressed knowing she was with him laughing and smiling. I got up from my desk and decided to go for a walk, I needed the fresh air. As I was walking around I spotted (Y/N) and abarai sitting underneath a sakura tree, laughing, smiling and carrying on. I couldn't stand to see the sight in front of me so I quickly made my way back to my office, when I made it back to my office slammed the door shut.

About 10 minutes later (Y/N) came walking in and abarai was standing outside in the hallway. After he left she sat down at her desk and looked up at me.
"how was your lunch Captain?" she asked, but I just ignored her question
"hurry and get back to work (Y/N)!" I yelled. Dammit I did it again. I let my anger get the best at me and I ended up lashing out at her, when I looked up I could see small tears well up in her eyes. Yet I still couldn't find it in me to apologize, it was her who made me angry so she should have to suffer the way I am. Silence fell upon us until work ended.

"w-well have a good night Captain." she said timidly as she started walking into the hallway. I ignored her once again, after she left I sighed and decided I should head home too. When I got home I went straight to bed, I wasn't in the mood to eat so I decided I should just go to bed. I ended up laying there staring at the ceiling for a good hour and a half, then drifted off to sleep.

idk this chapter I decided last minute to make into shiro-chans POV since in the last chapter, the way he reacted to renji and you guys hanging out.
he needed his own chapter, you guys needed to see how he felt inside.
Toshiro: it's about time I got my own chapter.
Ai: hey now we're only on the 5th chapter! be happy you got one so soon.
Toshiro: Hmpfh. Hurry up and update people are waiting.
Ai: ssyevwiavdmdiebwksjf I'm working on it shiro-chan! Go do you're paperwork!
Toshiro: finished it already.
Ai: well go do something else then bother me about the next chapter!
Toshiro: no thanks, I'm enjoying this.

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