Week 1 - Eviction

Start from the beginning

"Well fuck." Niall said loudly.

"You can say that again," Jesy said. "But really, then I'll have won the bet."

It seemed to bring people back to reality for some laughed slightly, no one feeling exactly happy about the situation. In fact Louis felt utterly drained and ready for bed which is why when the house called out,

"Nominations will begin shortly," that he decided the house was definitely out to get him. Now he had to put in his vote again for more people to leave the house. He was too emotional and stressed out for this.

He moved to head back to the sofa but Tom was still laying on it and instead decided he was going to dip his feet in the pool and wait until he was called through to nominate.

Harry, Niall, Jade and Liam came with him and they sat down in silence along the pool each kicking their legs in the water. Zayn sat on the grass beside the pool keeping his legs away from the water and they all sighed here and there.

It was dark out and as Louis looked up at the sky he could see a few stars up in the sky and he was thankful there was an open back garden. If there hadn't been he'd have felt so enclosed and shut in.

"I'm a bit nervous to nominate someone." Liam said after the silence seemed to go on too long.

"Me too," Jade agreed and Louis turned to watch them instead of the sky only to catch Harrys eye. Harry sent him a small smile and looked down at the pool watching his legs. Louis lay back against the edge of the pool, watching the others and wondered at what week each of them might leave.

It wasn't a nice thought especially when he looked at Harry. He didn't know what it would be like without him or even Niall. but there was a part of him that thought he'd definitely be out before either of them. His thoughts then wondered what it would be like if he was voted out next week and had to watch them on the television as they slowly forgot about him and had fun ding challenges for the rest of the series.

He didn't like the way his brain was wondering and really wished he could head to bed, but the house then called James Arthur to the diary room and Louis realised he'd be there a lot longer. After all, his name was one of the last alphabetically.

The house had never been more quiet, only that first few minutes Louis had spent in it alone the week before rivalled it. People were walking about and as one by one they were called into the diary room. Those who had nominated someone moved to go to bed. Niall left their group first and Louis couldn't help but wonder who he would be voting to leave.

Zayn was the next to go, Liam was then called leaving just Louis, Harry and Jade sat there.

"I think I'm next." Harry said frowning and Louis reached out his hand to squeeze on top of Harrys. Harry looked down at him and smiled slightly before his name was called out to go to the diary room. He stood up and walked away leaving just him and Jade.

"I feel like today will always be the Monday of the week. The day we all will hate and can't wait until its over." Louis said still looking up at the sky.

"That's a pretty good analogy," Jade said. "although it was nice not to wake up to the alarm."

"I'm not looking forward to that in the morning that's for sure." Louis agreed. "Tonight feels like a disaster. I just feel ready to go to bed."

"it will get easier, the longer you're here," Jade said Louis over at her and hummed.

"May only be here until next week." Louis said and Jade raised an eyebrow and shook her head with a slight smile while Taylor was called to the diary room. That meant Harry was finished but since there was no sign of him, Louis assumed he'd gone to get ready for bed.

"You honestly think you'd go before Tom?" Jade asked.

"I don't know do I, it's up to the public and everyone in here really isn't it. Ben just went instead of Tom." Louis said and Jade nodded slowly but smiled.

"You seemed to have quite a following though," She said. "I don't think you'll go for at least a few more weeks unless you kill us all or you suddenly turn out to be another Tom in disguise."

"How'd you know?" Louis asked with a small chuckle. "I thought I was hiding that quite well."

"I won't tell anyone." Jade said with a smile which left immediately as she was called to the diary room.

"Good luck," Louis said to her before he was alone in the garden. He also was pretty sure no one was left in the living room or kitchen either. He pulled his feet from the pool and stood up, pacing about the courtyard waiting for jade to be done and for him to finally nominate someone and then be able to go to bed.

Just as he was about to start his fourth lap of the garden, the house finally called his name.

"Could Louis please come to the Diary room for nominations."


And there we have the eviction. Nominations next and I will probably just post them in a bit too since I seem to be on a roll today.

luckily it's not buttered so I'm not slipping and sliding all over the place. That's the last thing I need with my curse.

Anyways, I hope you're enjoying yourself.

What order do you think everyone will go in? I have the over all plan completed so I know who goes and when and for what reason but i'd love to hear some of your thoughts on it.

Keep Calm and Fish for Pomegranates

Lana x

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