He realizes he lost you/ Getting back together.

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He would text and call but you would never answer. You didn't want to deal with him until he came you your house and pushed you against a wall and began kissing you until you agreed to take him back


You were Both at Stan's birthday party and he got mad when you were dirty dancing and making out with Kenny. He stole you away from the party and told you that you were his and he would be damned if he was going to loose you to Kenny. Seeing him like this only made you want him back more. You took him home and.........................;)..........................................................Cuddled all night long.


Cartman came to your house and begged for you back. He said he was stupid for what he did and he didn't want to live without you anymore. You couldn't bare to see him like this anymore so you picked him up and kissed him telling him you were all his


Kenny called you crying multiple times. Even though he may be a pervert sometimes, he can be a real sweetheart. He called you and called you and called you. He finally gave up and sent you flowers and a poem the poem read:

'I'm sorry i hurt you.

Im sorry i wasted your love and time.

I'm sorry i didn't realize what i had until i lost it.

You deserve so much better, but i just had to tell you two things.

I'm sorry and i love you.'

As you read the last line you started to tear up. You fell to your knees, just wishing he was there. He walked up to your doorstep and picked you up. You just clung to his parka not letting go as you are set down on the bed,and Kenny is holding you as close as possible, crying into your neck as he apologizes until you both fall asleep.


Craig showed up at your work. He would follow you around table to table as you took peoples orders. You would ignore him except for the occasional "Get the hell out of here Craig" or "Leave me the fuck alone Tucker" He almost left, but instead he stood up on a table and yelled out to the restaurant 

"Hello everybody! I'm Craig Tucker. Do you see that beautiful girl here?" He said pointing to you. People whistled in response as he spoke again.

"Well at one point we dated" Another round of whistles followed by a laugh from Craig

"I love her so much, and i can only beg for her back. I don't expect her to take me back however because....I cheated on her" The restaurant boo'd as you tried to hide

"I know, i know, but i just wanted her to know that she is the most beautiful, caring, smart, funny, and perfect girl i have ever met. And i know i don't deserve her..but i would be the happiest guy alive if she would just give me a second chance." 

The crowd awed as you began to cover your mouth crying. Craig hopped off the table and walked over to you.

"So what do you say Y/N? Be my princess again?"

All you do is nod and crash your lips onto his and the restaurant goes wild with cheers.


You worked at The coffee shop and one day when you came in there was a line of flower petals going into Tweek's special room, you walk in and see Tweek standing there with flowers. He says he loves you and it's been hell without you and asks you to be his again. You of course say yes.


Token wrote you a song and preformed it on T.V. He dedicated the song to you and it caught your attention. You sat down to listen and it was a song about how you frist met and got toghether, then into how he cheated and how his misrable his life was without you. It brought you to tears. When the song ended he said

"Will you be mine again Y/N?" looking right at the camera. You hurry to your phone and text him a yes. He smiles and yells to the crowd



He showed up at your door everyday. He would be smiling and talking to you like nothing happened. You couldn't believe he hurt you and didn't care. At least that's what you thought. He felt the exact opposite. He thought if he showed you things could be okay you would want him back. He didn't know you wanted him to show that you really cared. He waited a couple weeks then he came....he looked terrible. Sweat pants, he hadn't shaved, his hair wasn't done and you could tell he had been crying. It broke your heart. You just pulled him into a hug and told him to stay with you.


It wasn't hard to see that Butters was miserable. He didn't go out, he barley ate, and didn't really do much of anything except go through pictures of you and him when you were together. Cartman had set up a plan saying Butters was going to kill himself. Cartman knew that would get you to go over there. When you got there he was rolled up in a ball with his blonde hair messier then usual and you could see his back lifting in an unusual pattern indicating that he was crying. It broke your heart. You sat on the bed and told him you loved him and that you were his.


Sorry most of them were short i had trouble figuring out what to do

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