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"I'm sorry if I didn't prepare that much and if the house is looking all rusty. I'm gonna fix it soon enough if I have time and enough money." Mrs. Park explained as she motioned for him to take a seat beside the younger with a small smile on her face. 

Yoongi shook his head and took the seat, "Don't worry too much about it, Mrs. Park. It's completely fine to me. Your house is fine enough and the food you prepared is more than enough." 

"Oh, don't call me Mrs. Park. You should feel comfortable to call me mom." 

Another similarity that Yoongi observed is that Jimin and his mom constantly apologize over the simplest of things and smile so sweetly. It kind of worried him since he studied once that people who are constantly saying sorry are the ones who came from abuse or the ones who are too worried about what other people are thinking of them.

He is hoping that he is just assuming things and none of the thoughts he is thinking is true. 

The three of them started to eat and Yoongi can say that the food reminds him of his mom. Everything taste perfect and delicious which he definitely enjoyed. 

"Yoongi, I'm really curious about you since Jimin always talked about you. Can you tell me more about yourself?" Mrs. Park asked and Yoongi didn't fail to catch the flushed cheeks that Jimin had. 

"I actually work at the ice cream shop where Jimin always stays. I am still studying and just work after my classes, my shifts are always in the afternoon to evening since my classes are in the morning. And my parents, I still live with them but I am thinking of buying an apartment soon since I'm getting older." Yoongi explained. 

"And Yoongi h-hyung is ve..very n-nice." Jimin added which made Yoongi looked at him and smile wide, resulting for the younger's cheek to flush even more if that is still possible. 

"I am really glad that Jimin befriended someone like you. It's been the first time in a long time ever since Jimin talks about other person." Mrs. Park said which made Yoongi feel even more happier. 

"M-mom, stop ta-talking about the t-thing that I a-always talk about h-hyung." Jimin complained and grunt in annoyance which made the three of them laugh. 

The talk continues resulting for Jimin's mom to tell some stories about Jimin as a kid who tends to eat dirt, play under the table, and go home with stains in his favorite white shirt. Along with it are some embarassing stories which made Jimin hope that there's a hole beside him for him to jump but Yoongi finds every stories very entertaining and interesting. 

There are a lot more to know about Jimin and he was grateful enough to know these informations about him even though Jimin is complaining. 

"I'll w-wash the dishes, m-mom." Jimin said and stands up as he collects the plates, he is clearly avoiding the situation and he looked like a tomato from embarassment and such. 

Yoongi chuckled as he watched Jimin walk to the kitchen, "He's a very interesting person indeed, mom." 

"Ah," Mrs. Park breathed out, "There's actually more and more important to know about Jimin. I'll take this as a chance to tell these to you since I noticed that you're a special person to my son. "

Yoongi suddenly became curious and worried when he noticed the change of emotion from being happy to a wave of sadness in her eyes. He cannot help but to think about the words that she's about to say and share to him. 

"You see, Jimin is very different from others. He is mute or should I say that he was mute. I have this gut that you are the one who made him speak and that is why I can tell how important you are to Jimin. I'd like to thank you for that. You don't know how much that thing made me so, so happy." Mrs. Park started and Yoongi continued to listen, feeling very overwhelmed. 

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