“I didn’t force you either.”

“Don’t play to be the fool. What happens is that you are still in love with Nick and that’s why you feel guilty,” I accused her.

“That’s not true. You know nothing.”

“I know more than you think.”

“That’s not true. I’m not your slut and I don’t want to do a thing with you. Now, go away,” she said. Her breathing was heavy.

I left the room without saying a word. This was getting complicated and controlling her even more difficult.

This afternoon Dad took me to buy my bike. The mechanic promised that all the modifications will be ready by next week. When we got home I didn’t feel like going upstairs to my room, not after what had happened with Alex. I went down to the basement and turned on the light. The small bulb barely lit up the room.

I walked to the far corner, dodging all the boxes. I removed the sheet, leaving the piano in sight. It was covered in dust but the inscription could still be read. "Elizabeth." I never learned to play it, but I remember how mom played perfectly as moving her fingers gently over the keys. I sighed.

“What are you doing downstairs?” One of my brothers asked from the door.

“None of your business,” I answered dryly.

I covered the piano and went up the stairs, closing the basement door behind me.

October 19, 2009

6:30 p.m.

“I can’t believe that you got lost in the woods,” Liam told me smiling.

“It wasn’t funny,” I complained.

Only Audrey, Liam and I were there. Audrey was resting on the wall in front of Liam and me.

“It all was part of the plan,” Audrey dismissed it; she took my cigarette and took a drag.

“What plan?” Liam asked.

Audrey smiled, expelling the smoke. She rolled her eyes.

“We made a plan to make... a little joke to Alex.”

“And what Niall has to do in your plan?”

“He entangles Alex in the game for all the plan works. But, shh, you cannot say anything,” Audrey put a finger on top of Liam’s lips.

Liam smiled, maybe thinking it was just a game or a harmless little joke. He really couldn’t imagine what was in the mind of Audrey.

“I bet a hundred that Niall fails,” Liam said, continuing the "harmless" game.

“We’ll see that,” Audrey winked.

Louis came holding Alex’s books. She walked with crutches, causing her skirt to swing every time she took a step.

“Hi,” Louis greeted.

He helped Alex to sit down. She smiled to him.

“Thanks,” Alex placed her crutched next to her.

“I see that it wasn’t a good weekend for you,” Liam commented.

“I know,” she looked the cast.

“How long you have to be like this?”

“Just a couple of weeks.”

Louis sits next to her. Liam looks at her and smiles, probably remembering what Audrey had said. We were there until classes began. Liam patted my back before heading to his locker. I watched as Louis helped Alex. Poor fool.

“Niall,” Audrey called me and I turned on my heels exasperated.

“What the hell do you want? I already have done more than we had planned.”

“There’s nothing planed. You are inside this; you can’t change your mind.”

“What's this? The mafia?”

“Do not play the funny. Now, if Louis creates a close bond with Alex that will complicate us everything.”

“And what do you want me to do?”

“I want you to do what Louis is doing,” Audrey told me and rolled her eyes.

“Okay, now stop bothering me,” I said and turned to go to class.

In Biology I sat next to Alex. She shifted in her seat uncomfortable.

“Why the long face?” I asked and she turned to me.

“I feel uncomfortable,” she said looking her plastered foot.

“Or are you thinking in other thing?” I raised a brow.

“Stop talking about that. I think that I left everything very clear,” she said.

We talked quietly so the teacher didn’t get angry.

“Why you do not want anything with me? You seemed really pleased,” I teased her.

“What happens is that I feel that there is an abyss between us and not want to fall,” she whispered.

We both sat in silence the rest of the class. When the teacher told us we could leave I took Alex's books. She looked at me.

“What are you doing?”

“Helping you to cross the abysm.”

“I’m tired,” Hanna complains.

“Just a few more minutes and your father will come to pick you up,” James tells her.

“I think I’ve never read so much in a say.”

“I think that too, dear.”

“Do you think the book will get more interesting?”

“We’ll see that.”

(Hi!! Sorry for not updating but I've been very busy. I'm doing my best to update. please give feedback(vote and comment) :)!! Love you all xoxo

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