Chapter 19: The beautiful month✔️

Start from the beginning

The thirst is gone, the veins are moistened and the reward is confirmed, if Allah wills.

I ate dabino(dates) and a cup of water as per sunnah before praying in Jam'i with my family.

The first day of Ramadan had already passed. It was amazing how time travelled very fast. I felt like last year's Ramadan was last month but it was now a whole year after it. I prayed to Allah to make me make the best use of this holy month and prayed for everything else before filling my tummy to the brim.

Less than an hour later my whole family and I walked to the mosque in the street next to our's.


That was all I could use to describe the feelings I got as I stood and prayed to my lord. Everything was lovely. The cool breeze that was blowing my hijab. The way all the sisters were standing together shoulder by shoulder, foot by foot. The way a lot of Muslims showed up. The way we were all praying in unism really amazed me. I loved it.

No matter how much practice people get to do some different steps together they can never do it in unism like muslims do when they are praying in Jam'i. It is something to be proud of. I loved the way everyone knew what to do. A small three year old knows what to do immediately he hears the takbeer or SamiAllahu liman Hamida. Even the females that can't see the imam know what to do. It was really amazing how at this time of the night hundreds of Muslims were prostrating to their lord together.

And the qira'ah was so lovely. The imam of the mosque took Isha and the first nafila. Even though he was quiet old his voice was so soothing.Uncle Nour took the second and third nafilas. While one other person took the third and the shaf'i and wutr. The third person's qira'ah was the best. His voice was so melodious. When I heard the qira'ah,I immediately prayed for a husband that can recite the Quran melodiously.

The qira'ah sounded a little bit familiar, he was imitating Sheikh Sudais. When the third Imam was supplicating in the wutr, his voice started shaking. Even though I couldn't understand much Arabic, the way the the Imam was crying made me feel like crying too. It was just so beautiful.

I folded my praying mat and met Uncle Nour, Najib and the twins waiting for us at the gate of the mosque.

"Your recitation was so beautiful Ma Sha Allah. Your mom would have been very proud of you. She had always prayed for her son to be a very practicing muslim that would lead others. And Abu too. He would have been very proud of you,remember  when he used to pray that Allah should make you an Imam in the Haram. His prayer is coming true Alhamdulilah. I am so proud of my little brother too. Ma sha Allah, Allah ya kara basira," Mama rejoiced giving Uncle Nour a side hug.

Uncle bent his head out of respect thanking her and praying for his deceased parents.

"Uncle Nour I am also very proud of you," I told him with a huge smile on my face. He grabbed me by my shoulder and pulled me in to side hug.

"Thank you".

I was so glad at how our relationship changed in a span of few months. I still felt bad for the way I treated him when he first came and the way I treated him during the years we were fighting. He also still felt bad for what he did to me. It was all in the past, we had both forgiven each other and fixed our relationship for good, so that was all that mattered then.

By then, Mama, Ruqy and the twins had walked ahead leaving Uncle Nour, Najib and I.

"Do you know what I prayed for through out the taraweeh?"

He shook his head.

"For Allah to bless me with an amazing husband that can recite his book like you do,"

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