Chapter 5

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❣ I look out the window, and admire the beautiful District 4. It's bigger than I remember. Some lady tells me that we almost arrive, and offers me some snacks, but I don't take them because I'm too busy looking at this amazing place Finnick once lived in. A few minutes later, they announce that we've arrived. Peeta and I take our bags, and start walking to the hotel that is a few streets away. We check in, and they give us the key to our room. We open it and put our stuff down. It is around late afternoon, we decide to just rest and plan what we are doing tomorrow. I take a shower, and put my pijamas on. Peeta does the same thing, while I organize our things. I lay down in bed to watch tv. A few minutes later, Peeta joins me, and we watch tv for a few minutes, until I remember I forgot to do something. I quickly take the phone typing a number. "Who are you calling?", Peeta asks me. "Our dad," I answer, "we don't want him getting worried". "Or drunk", Peeta says joking. Since the war ended, Peeta and I started calling Haymitch "dad", because he's been a great one to us. Obviously, we don't always call him that. "Hi, Sweetheart", Haymitch says through the phone. "Hi, dad", I say, "we arrived to District 4". "Cool, how are you liking it?". "It's amazing". "Is there something wrong? You don't sound very excited". I look at Peeta, the look back at the floor. "It's just that, it brings me memories, which make me miss someone". There's a long pause, because both Peeta, who is sitting on the other side of the bed, and Haymitch, who is on the other end of the phone, know who I'm talking about. Mags and Finnick. A small tear rolls down my cheek. I try to change the subject. I put the phone in speaker so Peeta can hear as well. "Well, we just wanted to let you know that we arrived safe". "Thank you for letting me know", Haymitch says, "You two have fun... But not a lot". Peeta and I look at each other, and let out a loud laugh. I can hear Haymitch laughing too. We laugh for minutes, and then I take a big breath. "Ok, bye", I say still laughing, " we love you". "Love you guys too". Then I hang up. We continue watching tv, but suddenly my eyelids feel heavy, and I fall asleep. I wake up at the sound of sobbing. It's 3:00 am, and I can't see anything. I turn on the light, and find Peeta sobbing. "Peeta...", I say softly, waking him up. Something heavy fell down in the lobby, which sounded like the cannon from the Games. I keep trying to wake Peeta up, because he's shaking. Before I could ask anything, Peeta opens his eyes, and puts his head in my lap. He starts sobbing there, like a small child. "I had a horrible nightmare", he says between tears, "It was in the arena. We were fightning Cato, and he knocked me. Before I went completely unconsious, I saw you screaming my name, as Cato was beating you. He then told you to say your last words to me, and you whispered 'help me', but I couldn't. Cato kicked me in the head, and I was about to pass out. I couldn't move, I was just able to hear you cry my name, and see Cato beat you. He punched you one more time, saying 'good bye, girl on fire'. Then, he pushed you over the edge of the cornupia, into the pack of mutts. You cried in pain, as the mutts were killing you. Cato then picked me up, and forced me to watch you suffer in pain. My eyes were red from crying, but now I was crying even more. You cried my name, but I wasn't able to help you, and that's what hurted me the most. I was screaming the Gamemakers to stop this cruel game. I was screaming that it was enough pain. You said my name over and over, and every time I heard it, I cried more and more. As you said my name, it was lower and lower. It went from a scream, to a whisper. Then you lifted your hand to reach me, but it suddenly fell to the ground. And then the cannon fired. I was shocked. I couldn't believe you were gone. I losted you forever". I try to calm him down, because I can see the bad dream really affected him. "Peeta", I say softly, "Peeta, it was just a bad dream. He continues sobbing, but less. "Peeta, I'm right here. I won't leave you" "Please don't. I don't know what I'd do without you." "Peeta, look at me", I order, "I will never ever leave you. I love you. I'll stay with you always". "Always?" "Always. I love you with all my heart". He kisses me, and I kiss him back.We kiss for a while, and Peeta starts calming down. "I love you, Katniss", Peeta says pulling away. "I love you, too", I say giving him a small kiss on the forehead. ❣

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