Chapter 4

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❣Peeta holds the small box infront of me, and I can see he hesitates to speak. "Peeta...", I whisper, because I think I know what's inside. "Ummm... I... umm...I... Got you this...", Peeta says opening the box, revealing something that was not what I thought was going to be. A golden bracelet. "Peeta, it's beautiful", I tell him with a smile. "I know it's not a lot, but I wanted you to wear this when we go to District 4", Peeta tells me. "I love it", I tell him kissing his cheek. Peeta smiles and takes my hand. He puts the golden bracelet. I look at him and smile. The music keeps going, and he sits back down. I keep resting my head in his neck and hold his hand. We stay like this for a few more minutes, until it starts getting late. As the sunlight decreases, the temperature does too. I knew I should have brought a jacket, but I was to busy wondering what in the world was in that small box. "Do you want my jacket?", Peeta asks me. "No thanks, I'm good", I answer. "Here..", Peeta says taking off his jacket. "Thank you", I tell him, letting him put his jacket in my back. I don't even bother to put it on correctly. We pick our stuff up, and start walking home, hand in hand. "We should do that more often", Peeta tells me. "Yeah. That was fun", I say. We arrive to our house, and we go upstairs. I put my pijamas, and we eat a piece of bread and hot chocolate. "Good night, Katniss", Peeta tells me, after I turned of the light and we layed down. "Good night", I tell him kissing his cheek. My eyelids start feeling heavy, and suddenly I fall asleep.


A soft kiss in the forehead wakes me up. "Good morning", I tell Peeta, opening my eyes. "Morning", he answers. I look at the calendar, and realize that today we go to District 4. I take a shower and get ready. We pack up our clothes and other things for the trip. We eat a small breakfast and Peeta brings our bags downstairs. Since the war ended, each district received an airport with airplanes. Haymitch arrives with his car and helps Peeta out the bags inside his car. "Good morning, kids", Haymitch tells us. "Morning", we both answer at the same time. We get in the car, and we talk a little. When we arrive to the airport, they open the car and take our bags. We say goodbye to Haymitch, and thank him for giving us a ride. "Our house is in your hands, Haymitch", I say, "please make sure everything is ok". "Don't worry about it, sweetheart", he tells me, "you two have fun". I hug him, and we go inside the airport. The workers take our bags, and we head to where our plane will leave. They take our tickets and we walk to our plane. As we load the plane, something unexpected happens. Everyone at the plane starts clapping at us and smiling, as if we were heroes or something. I take Peeta's hand, and the cheer gets louder. We start waving and smiling. We seat in our seats, and everyone slowly stops clapping. "What was that all about?", I ask Peeta confused. "I guess they are glad we go rid of President Snow", Peeta tells me. They tell us that we can take our seatbelts off, now that we are flying. Peeta and I talk for a while, and then I go to sleep for a little bit. "Wake up," Peeta wakes me, "we arrived". I open my eyes and smile, taking off my seatbelt. We get off the plane and take our bags. We take the train to a hotel, and I call Annie to let her know that we've arrived. I can't wait to see her. ❣

An Undying Loveحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن