BF vs BFF (Jack) (ft. Markiplier)

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“Hey there everyone! It’s (Y/N) of (Y/YT/C) and I am here with two incredible guys! Say hi, guys!” You introed sitting between your best friend and long distance boyfriend. “Top o’ the mornin’ to ya, laddies!” Jack said excitedly. You guys had never done a collab on the same continent let alone in the same room. “Hello everybody!” Mark said, almost as excited as Jack. “So we are here doing a boyfriend vs. best friend Q & A,” you said and then cut Mark off before he even uttered a syllable, “Mark I will punch you if you say we aren’t technically best friends.” Mark shut his mouth as Jack laughed beside you. “So we have some tweets here, let's just jump right into it.”

“(Y/N), how did you meet Mark? We know you met Jack through Mark, but you never said how you met Mark,” Mark read the first tweet. “Mark and I met in, when was it? Tenth grade?” Mark shook his head, “No we dated in tenth grade, we met in ninth grade.” You nodded, “That’s right.” Jack tensed beside you, he still got salty over you and Mark having dated. “Yeah, for those of you who don’t know, Mark and I dated in high school-” Mark cut you off to ease the tension with Jack, “And it was a disaster!” You nodded.

“Next question!” Jack said as he snatched the phone from Mark. “How are you doing a Q & A with Jack and Mark at the same time?” You smirked, “Because I’m fucking magical!” Jack chuckled as he intertwined his fingers with yours and pressed your hand to his lips. “You’re so cute,” he mumbled as you blushed. “Eww! I came to PAX to have fun and your gross coupleyness is ruining it!” Mark exclaimed covering his eyes. You just rolled your eyes, “But, yeah, we’re all at PAX-” You were cut off by Jack, “Which is why I can do this,” he said kissing your cheek. You and Jack giggled as Mark groaned.

“Next question!” Mark yelled, taking the phone back from Jack. “(Y/N), Septiceye Sam or Tiny Box Tim?” Mark and Jack both looked at you intensely. “Ugh, this is not a fair question! But, I guess if I had to choose, Tiny Box Ti-” Before you could even finish Mark was cheering and Jack was pouting. “You’re dead to me,” Jack only half joked. You pouted and did your famous puppy dog eyes at him. He stood his ground, but you knew he was cracking. You kissed his cheek and a smile finally broke across his face. “Dammit, (Y/N)! That’s cheating!”

After a few more basic questions, things became awkward as Mark asked the last question. “Who is a better kisser, Mark or Jack?” You blushed, “I can’t answer that accurately. Mark and I dated too long ag-” you were cut off as Mark kissed your cheek. You blushed profusely as Jack glared at Mark. Mark laughed at Jack’s expression, “Come on man, it was just on the cheek.” Jack didn’t seem to care as he narrowed his eyes at Mark. You decided to quickly end the video there, making a mental note to edit the last question out, and turned off the camera.

Mark quickly left the room with the excuse to call Amy, leaving you and Jack in an awkward silence as you put away your equipment. Jack just sat there watching you. “Are you really that mad about it?” you said after you’d had enough. “Do you still have feelings for him?” Jack asked, catching you off guard. “W-What?” Jack tugged at his hair in frustration, “You didn’t pull away.” You sighed and sat down next to him. You tried to hold his hand, but he pulled it away, so you settled for putting your hand on his knee. “Jack,” you looked him in the eye, “It was a friendly cheek kiss, it meant nothing. What has you so insecure all of a sudden?” Jack sighed and looked down at your hand on his lap as he spoke, “It’s just, you and Mark are so close and you get to see each other whenever you want. It’s not fair.” You took Jack’s hand as he finished, this time he didn’t pull away. “Jack, Mark’s a great friend, but he’s just that, a friend. I love you, Jack. No matter how far apart we are, I love you. You’re my one and only.” A small smile appeared on Jack’s face. You smiled back and leaned over and kissed his cheek. Jack cupped your face and leaned down, kissing your lips. As he pulled away you smirked. “You’re definitely the better kisser.”

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