"I don't know, I haven't gone drinking in so long that I don't even know if my body will be able to handle it." Juhee said with a whispered tone.

"Nonsense, I bet you're an amazing drinker!" said Jimin jokingly as he walked over to them. 

"You going Hana?" Jimin said as he rested his hand on her head causing her to flinch.

"Y-y-es, I am. Are you?" Hana's face was turing a bright red as usual whenever she saw Jimin or heard his voice. 

"I'm going wherever you're going~" Jimin's voice was velvety as he leaned a bit closer in a flirty way. Juhee rolled her eyes and was about to say a sarcastic remark to him when Taehyung walked toward her with his hands casually in his pant's pockets.

"Well, Genoive just invited me so I guess I am going with you guys!" Taehyung was smiling shyly as he looked at Juhee and Jimin. 

"Eyyy, tonight will be a real party then! Let's go, I am starving!" Juhee said as she grabbed Taehyung's arm and dragged him out with all the others following close behind.

With the touch of Juhee's hand on his arm and their skin touching, Taehyung felt a bit of warmth fill his cheeks, producing a rosy tint. 


After a few rounds of meats and meats and meats, one by one, each person was getting full and a bit sleepy since all their blood was rushing to their stomach to digest all the meat they had just eaten. Genoive kept persisting that each person eat till they die tonight since this would be the last business dinner until next year. 

"Plus, since this is an all-you-can-eat place, make my money worth it and eat, eat, eat!" Genoive said as he stuffed another huge chunk of meat in his mouth.

"Okay~" replied back all of them as they all stuffed meat in their mouth while talking. 

"Here, say ah!" Juhee made an "O" shape with her mouth when Taehyung placed a lettuce wrap with meat in her mouth. 

After chewing for a second, Juhee smiled without showing her teeth and gave a thumbs up.

"I still remember that you just like meat with lettuce, no sauces or kimchi inside." Taehyung said, sounding proud of himself. 

Juhee swallowed the last bit before replying back shocked, "You remember?! I didn't think anyone would notice that." 

"Well, I noticed because you are just picky when it comes to eating. Picky, picky, picky." Taehyung stuck out his tongue in a teasing way. 

"Jerk! At least I didn't stuff cucumbers in my pocket and walk out of the restaurant to throw them away." 

Taehyung laugh stopped as he quickly looked all around him feeling guilty. He leaned downward and whispered, 

"Shhhhh, that was a long time ago, now I eat everything and down stuff food in my pocket."

Juhee was laughing now with her mouth wide open. Thankfully, no one was listening in on their conversation since the others were talking with one another. 

"Before you say another embarrassing past of mine, eat this." Taehyung made another wrap with just lettuce and meat inside it and shoved it in Juhee's mouth to shut her up. 

Juhee chewed the wrap with a huge grin and said, "It's all still fresh in my head as if it happened yesterday!" 

"Ewwwwwwww" Taehyung said playfully. "Don't talk with your mouth full, you have the same old habit!" 

While the two of them were playing around and feeding each other, the only other person that happened to notice the two was Jimin, who was across the table down a few seats to the right of Taehyung. He was sitting beside Mindy and Hana.

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