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It's a funny thing...love.
You see it. You want it. You crave it. You lose it. You fight against it. It breaks down walls. It melts the pain. It caresses your body and shatters the bones that make up dark thoughts.
You may never ask for a love so strong and so pure but it seeks you out and bear hugs your very core.
I've never known a love as strong as the one I hold in my heart today.
It has given me pain and brightens my world all at once. It is a simple something that grew into a skyscraper and kissed the sky above me.
The love I have found is the only thing in existence that has given me the power to not only love in general but to love myself. It's the reason I wake up every morning, ready to plummet headfirst into my problems and slay them without a shadow of a doubt.
It is a dream that became reality.
It is an ingredient that crafted itself into a work of art that feeds my heart.
It is a Cabernet that grows better bodied with time.
This love became my blanket.
This man that holds my love...became my home.

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