Woven Silence

28 4 0

Riding in an isolated boat down a rapid.
Feeling singled out.
Feeling like a lily knitted into a carpet of rough fibrous wool.
They'll never understand your worth.
They throw you aside as they would leftovers...sloppy seconds.
Viewing you as an enemy for simply consisting of your own imagination and candied characteristics.
Your niceties become intimidating.
Reaching out only gets you a slap on the wrist. 
You slink back into your shell with the only one who understands you.
A paper flower.
So they think.
Not realizing your potential.
Not seeing that you are a shieldmaiden.
Your armor woven with the toughest thread.
Your past.
You're a fighter.
A warrior with a sugary facade.
A sunny smile.
They'll never know.
They don't' deserve to.
You sew a grin of knowing, blissful silence on your face.
You win.
They lose.

Photo Cred: K.L Howard

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