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Glowing rays glistening off the surface of the freshly polished vehicle.
The rumble of the engine from inside its' hooded cage.
The vibrations rolling through the interior and into the wheel in your eager induced hands.
You can't tell if it's the roar of the one ton toy you have at your command or the feeble attempts to harness your willpower.
It feels like your desires are a pair of ping pong balls resting upon a wobbling table or a typhoon.
Untamable and unmanageable.
The siren song of the wild engine asking you to unleash its' power on the pavement lying ahead.
The eclectic thoughts in your head reminiscing on their more orderly past.
-just give in-
The revving commences and the freedom of your mind is unfurled along with your car's power.
You are one.

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