Hidden Beauty

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Unseen by the untamed eye.
Hidden deep within the drawers of plain sight.
A beauty waiting to be captured and showcased.
A vast horizon of nature's wonders.
From the honey kissed sunrise to the glass globes of morning dew seated on blades of green grass by mother nature, herself.
A glistening caramel sap crystal clings to the sweet scented bark of a bristly pine tree.
An ebony spider plays the part of trapeze performer on a silvery web made from scratch.
The contrast of fire colored leaves and white marbled rocks prove to be an eye catcher.
Pristine, unmatched moments craving the limelight.
While, meaningless and nonexistent to the everyday passerby, nature's hidden beauties prove to be treasure trove for photographers.
A leaf that lay, resting on the pavement is viewed as much more by picture hungry seekers.
To them, a leaf is not simply a leaf but a sheath of autumn brilliance or a curtain of summer vibrance.
The sun peering through the trees and stroking the brims of the leaf, brings pure iridescent perspective.
A sight that whispers to the eager onlooker and provokes them to snap a photograph.
A mental picture.
Something to hold a place in their minds so that they're image remains forever imprinted.
Hidden beauties surround you.
Seek them out.

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