Unscathed Beauty

166 22 10

You're a work of art.
My rendition of the Sistine Chapel.
A drop of rain in a parched desert.
A perfect song on the radio, providing a moment of zen on a hectic day.
You are that home-cooked meal on a crisp, chilly winters night.
A drink of fine wine that takes the edge off.
A warm bath soothing an aching body.
You are a well crafted landscape that simply is, in all its' beauty.
You overwhelm me.
You shed my pain and banish my sorrows .
With your inquisitive yet sarcastic humor, you assist me in my self prescribed battle against my personal demons.
You are my whole heart.
My vision of sheer bliss.
My guardian angel.
You are in all its' being, my vision of unscathed beauty.

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