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Unknown sender: Hello, Piper.
Me: Who is this?
Unknown sender: Haha, don't worry. You know who I am.
Me: Then tell me your name, hoe.
Unknown sender: Aiden. And I am not a hoe!
Me: Sure you aren't... How'd you get my number?
Aiden: I asked Peter. Only because Cory wanted to get your number.
Me: So.. Cory asked you, who asked my brother?
Aiden: Ya. So can I tell him your number??
Me: Yeah, that's fine.
Aiden: Ok. Cool
~end of text~

I lock my phone and set it down on my pillow. I walk out of my room, down the stairs, and into the kitchen.
I open the fridge, only to find nothing good. I open the snack cabinet and search through the boxes of foods. I grab the box of whales and head back up to my room.
I check my phone and have 2 new messages. One from 2 minutes ago and one from just now. It is another unknown number. I slide the message and unlock my phone.

~text convo~
Unknown sender: Heyyyy
Me: Cory?
Unknown sender: yeet
Me: Kewl! 😝
Cory: Yeah. Are you doing anything tomorrow? I was wondering if you'd like to come over after school and hang out then go roller skating.
Me: No, I'm free.
Cory: So you will come over?
Me: Yes sir.
Me: Chill out a bit.
Cory: Sorry, I got excited.
Me: It's fineee. 😜
He reads and doesn't reply.
~end of text~

I open my box of whales and eat half of the box within 5 minutes. I get thirsty from all of the salt so I jump off my bed and hurry down the steps. I go into the kitchen, put up the box of whales, and then grab an empty water bottle and fill it up. I gulp a lot of it down pretty quick.
I go back upstairs and grab my pajamas from the night before. I go into my bathroom and take a quick shower. Once I got out I brush my teeth and hair then got in bed.

The next day

I wake up, sit up, and look over at my alarm. It still haven't went off. I have 5 minutes before it does. I scoot to the edge of my bed and set my feet on the floor.

The floor is very cold, it's tile, also it's early in the morning.

I walk over to my alarm and turn it off. I then attempt to go down the stairs quietly. But having my luck, that didn't happen.
I trip over the air on the second step and fall the rest of the way down.
"Shit" I shout quietly.
I am laying on my back at the bottom few stairs.
I don't hear anyone get up.
That's good, I didn't wake anybody.
What if I'd broken my ribs, then
punctured my lungs, and then began to fill with blood?
They should've heard that.
But I'm okay.
So it's fine.

I'm fine..

I stand up and limp into the kitchen.
I open the fridge and see no good looking food.
I don't feel hungry for a change.
That's weird.
I decide not to eat anything.
I leave the kitchen and start to go up the stairs, and I decide to wake mom and dad up.
I walk over to their room and mom is walking out of her bathroom.
I don't see dad.
"You're up early." She says
"Not really.. Where's dad?" I ask
"He went drinking with some buddies from work last night and couldn't drive home." She says then goes back into her bathroom.
"Oh okay.. well I'm gonna go get ready." I say and begin walking up the stairs.
I walk to Peter's door and knock.
No reply.
I slowly open the door and he's still fast asleep.
I walk over to the other side of his bed and pick that side of the mattress up and dumb him into his floor.
"What the hell?!" He shrieks and jumps up staring at me.
"Good morning, Sleeping Beauty." I say and walk out of his room.
I go back into my room across the hall and look into my mirror.
My hair looks somewhat decent today.
I grin and then change into my clothes.
I put on a plain white t-shirt with a floral breast pocket on the left, plain black skinny jeans, and teal high top converse.
I then go into my bathroom, brush my teeth and put on mascara.

I look cute, not trying to brag.

I check my phone and see I have 50 billion texts.
I scroll through and see most of them are from Cory.

-text convo-
Cory- Wake upppppppp!
Cory- helllllooooo
Cory- Dude get up
Cory- Do y'all need a ride to school?
Cory- Herroooooooooo
Me- Yes! Take me to school!
Cory- Yay! We'll be there in 5 minutes.
Me- Kewl beans!
-end of convo-

"Peter!!!!!!" I say realllly loudly.
"Waaaaat?!" He screams from his room.
"Aiden and Cory are taking us to school. They'll be here soon. Be ready, or take the bus." I say
"I know. Aiden texted me." He said

Mk cool

I grab my backpack and walk down the stairs. I step into the kitchen and sit at the table waiting for my ride.

The car pulls up.

"Peter, they're here!" I say and go out the door. I see Cory move from front passenger to back seat. I get in the other back seat.
"Heyy guys." I say awkwardly.
"Wassup girrrrrrrl?" Aiden said
"Nothin.." I say and look over at Cory.
"You ok?" I ask him
"Yeah. I'm fine. It's just Bastian is coming skating with us later.."


"Who's that?" I ask
"Our brother. He didn't go to school yesterday and isn't today either. But listen, he's a total fboy. Don't fall for him." He said while looking into my eyes.
"I can't promise that." I say to him
Then Peter gets in the car.
Peter turns on the radio and we listen all the way to school.
We get there and Cory and I walk in the door. I see him offer to hold my hand.
I don't hold back, I grab his hand.
I grinned like an idiot..
We walk to class together, awkwardly.

/skips school because it sucks\

I walk out of my last class and feel majorly relieved. I don't know why though.
I pull out my phone and see Cory texted me to go wait at the Jeep.
So I go back to where we parked earlier that morning and begin to wait.

I take off my backpack and set it down and slide down beside it. I sit on the pavement and watch as other kids leave.
I then hear recognized laugher.
I get up and look around to see Aiden, Cory, and Peter all walking towards me.
I smile at them.
Cory smiles back.

Mmmm Cory has a sweet smile.

"Finally! I've been waiting here for ages!" I say sarcastically.
"Had to defeat some people on my way here." Cory says.
"What the literal fuck?" Aiden asks him.
Peter just stands there like a lost puppy.
"I don't know." Cory says and scoots into his seat.

The radio turns on and it's in the middle of Too Good At Goodbyes by Sam Smith.
"TURN IT UP! THIS SONG IS AWESOME!" I screech like a ten year old girl.
Aiden laughs and starts to do so.
I start singing at the top of my lungs.
Peter gives me the death stare, I sing louder.
We eventually arrive at their house after the carpool karaoke.
As we all got out Aiden said to my brother "Damn. She's got some pipes."  and smirks.
Peter then says "stop she is my sister."
Cory unlocks the door and I follow him in.
Their house is really clean.
sketchy clean...
I hear loud music comin from upstairs.
"What's that noise?" I ask Cory
He then says with an annoyed facial expression "Bastian"
He sounds hot
"Oooo! I wanna meet him!" I say excitedly.
"Seriously?!" He asks in disbelief.
I nod my head then see the stairs. I look at Cory then back at the stairs.
I drop my backpack and dart up the stairway.
"HEY!" Cory shouts and follows me
I go to the room with the blaring music and open the door.
Should've knocked
As soon as the door is completely opened, I see this beautiful creature staring back at me.
He looks at me for a minute then turns the music off.
"Hi!" I say while awkwardly standing in the doorway.
He looks confused.
He slides off the side of his bed and slowly walks towards me. He gets no further than 3 or so inches away from me an says "hi".

Mother fucker
His voice is sexy as hell.
I stare into his eyes and can't help but look down at his lips.
I then look back into his eyes and he starts leaning towards my face slowly. And then

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