After a while I got sick of doing math and just wanted to sleep. I guess my body took over because I decided to take a nap on Luke's floor. When I woke up I had a pillow under my head and a blanket covering my feet. I looked around the room and there was no sign of Luke hanging around anywhere. I sat up and looked at my phone. I just had one text message from my dad asking where I was. I sent him a quick reply telling him I'd be home soon and I fell asleep. He answered back quickly and said okay. I opened up Instagram and scrolled through everybody's pictures. Somehow the picture of Luke and Layla ended up on my timeline again and I rolled my eyes. They had about 20 comments on the picture. I read through them all of their comments. Some people saying they're so cute, and others saying how jealous they were. I laughed. Thank god I wasn't going to prom. I would rather take the SAT's for two weeks straight then go to prom. I locked the phone and threw it on the floor. I sighed and pulled my ponytail out. I ran my fingers through my hair and combed it out and leaned up against Luke's bed.

The door opened and in came Luke holding loads of junk food in his hands. He had one bag of chips in his mouth, ice cream in one hand, and bread in the other. "Did you rob a convenience store or something?" I asked him and he let go of the chips. They landed perfectly in my lap. Cheetos, how lovely. He sat next to me and opened the ice cream. He handed me a spoon, which I have no idea where he was hiding it. I grabbed it and he opened the ice cream tub. Cookies and cream, my favorite. He put his spoon and I did the same, we both got a spoonful and put it in our mouths. I hadn't had ice cream in so long, it was a nice treat. "So," he said with his mouthful. "Are you sure you're okay?" He asked me. "You just seem off lately, and I know that losing Lucy was tough. But I just want to make sure there's not something else going on." He told me and took another spoonful.

I just gave him a shrug. "I'm fine. Just a lot of thoughts I guess. I'm just trying to make sense of it all." I told him and took another spoonful myself. I sighed and rested my head on his shoulder. It was true. I couldn't seem to focus anymore. I still had to decide on college, and this situation with my mom was really dwelling on me. "There's just too much going on. I have to make a decision for my future, and I have my mom calling me constantly and trying to talk to me." I told him. He looked down at me with wide eyes. "What?" He asked and I sat back up.

"I kept getting calls from this number, but I thought it was a telemarketer. Guess I was wrong. My dad answered it and got into a fight with her. One of her sons got my number somehow, but he told her to stop calling and that I didn't want to talk to her." I pulled my ponytail tighter again and then rubbed my eyes. They were sore from being so tired.

"You didn't tell me that." He said and blinked his eyes at me.

"I know, I just didn't think it was super important right now." I told him and shrugged. I stretched my arms out in front of me and rolled my neck. "Are you sure you still don't want contact with her? I just feel like she's trying so hard to talk to you. I wonder what's going on," Luke said to me.

"Yeah. I don't know. If it's so important, I'm sure it could've been said ten years ago." I told him and then shook my head. I just wanted to drop the subject. Luke thankfully got the hint and we stopped talking about it. We talked more about Luke and his music. He hadn't really mentioned it to me in a long time. The last time we had any small conversation about it, he said he was almost done writing the song. Now he told me that he finished it. I begged him to play it for me, but he fought me. That's when I brought out the puppy dog eyes. And they worked. Luke reluctantly grabbed his guitar from the wall and pulled out his notebook. He looked down at it and then nodded his head. He started playing chords, than began singing.

I can't remember the last time I saw your face

I feel so lonely when I'm in a crowded space

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