Keeping her or Letting go...

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I finally make it to Beyonce's house almost five hours later because the paparazzi refused to leave so I had to call the cops. I knock frantically on the door waiting for her to answer as I try to come up with things to say to her. I can't believe this is happening right now after we just made everything between us official.

The door opens and I come face to face with Beyonce's manager who is looking at me with a look of disgust and anger. "What do you want?" The uppity woman asks looking me up and down. "I need to speak to Beyonce" I say moving to push past her but she blocks the entrance. "Ms. Knowles doesn't want to be bothered right now, especially by you" she snarls angrily.

"Bitc-" I start to say but I stop myself and take a deep breathe. "Look lady, you obviously don't know me but let me tell you cause you really trying it. If Beyonce is not in front of me in 2.5 seconds I will burn this house down" I say and her eyes widen in shock and I quickly push past her and into the house. "Beyonce Giselle Knowles, you tried it with this bitch all in my face!" I yell walking through the house.

I walk into the living room and come face to face with Beyonce and a bunch of people in suits who all turn to look at me. "Am I interrupting something?" I ask as she stands and approaches me. "What are you doing here?" She asks grabbing my arm and pulling me into the kitchen. "Well I was calling you but you didn't answer. Are you okay? I know you saw what happened" I say grabbing a hold of her hand and offer her a small smile but she slowly pulls away and looks at me with a look of disappointment.

"I can't do this anymore Toni" she says moving further away from me. "Do what?" I ask confused. "Us Toni! I can't be in this relationship with you anymore, it's ruining everything" she says angrily. I feel tears cascade down my face as I look at her. "How could you say that? You-you just said you loved me" I say to her. "And I do... but I can't let this ruin my career, I have worked too hard for this" she says reaching out to grab my hand but I step out of her reach. "Yeah loving me would be too much for your career..." I say bitterly. "Well you won't have to worry about that anymore" I say turning around to walk out but her voice stops me. "My lawyers out there are drawing up some papers, its an agreement for you not to say anything about us" she says quietly.

I turn to her angrily and take her in one last time before looking down at my hand to the ring she gave me. I slip it off and place it on the counter. "Don't worry, I won't say anything I want to forget this whole thing ever happened" I say before walking out of the kitchen and out of her house for the final time.

I look down at the ring on the counter and slowly pick it up. I finger the small band as my mind flashes back to just a few hours ago when we was at the beach.

"Stop baby!" Toni squeals as I hold her over the water threatening to drop her. "Say you sorry" I say glaring playfully at her "no!" She yells and I act like I was going to drop her making her scream. "Ahh! Okay I'm sorry baby" she says pouting and I lean down to kiss her. "Mm you lucky you cute" I say teasingly...

I feel a tear hit my hand and slide down to the ring on the tip of my finger. "Fuck it..." I take off running down the hall and out of my door where I see Toni getting into her car. "Toni!" I yell racing towards the car. She stops and turns towards me and my heart nearly breaks as I see the tears running down her face. "What?" She asks looking at me sadly. I stop in front of her and pull her into my arms. My lips firmy connects with hers just as a gasp escapes her mouth.

I shove my tongue into her mouth as she starts to respond and my hands tangle themselves in her soft, curly hair holding her in place. She let's out a whimper before pulling away. "I thought-" she says but I quickly kiss her again silencing her before pulling away. "My career isn't worth anything if I'm not happy, and you are what makes me happy Toni. I love you and if nobody else can see that then screw them" I say holding onto her tightly like she was going to drift away. "I love you to Beyonce" she says hugging me.

I breathe in her sweet scent before pulling away

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I breathe in her sweet scent before pulling away. I pull the ring out of my jean pocket and slip it back on her finger. "The only time I want this off of you is when I'm placing a engagement rang on your finger" I say kissing her again. Tears are coming down both of our eyes and I'm sure we both look a mess but I don't care as long as we are together.

Two hours later after kicking everyone out of my house we end up in bed after making love numerous times. We lay facing the opposite sides sharing gentle kisses and just talking about different things.

"So how old was you when you had your first kiss?" I ask her looking into her dark eyes. "Um...eighteen" she says shyly ducking her head. "Awe" I say kissing the end of her nose making her giggle. "Shut up, I was really shy and I wanted it to be special" she says defending herself. "Was it?" I ask.

"I ended up marrying the man a few years later so yeah it was pretty special. When was yours?" She asks looking back up at me. "Hmm... I was eight years old and there was this girl in my class one year older then me. Her name was Lily and I swear at the time she was the love of my life. One day on the playground she pulled me under the slide and kissed me right on the lips. Unfortunately I didn't end up marrying her, but hopefully I will marry someone one hundred times better..." I say trailing off as the conversation gets serious.

She sits up and moves over me so she is straddling me. I put my hands on her hips and play with the ends of my white shirt she has on. "Are you sure you want to do this Bey? Because I don't want you to regret this in the future and up hating me" she says seriously looking down at me. "Toni if I wasn't sure about us I wouldn't have chased after you. I love you baby and I am never letting you go again. Now enough of that, come down here and give me a kiss" I say pulling on the shirt.

She shoots me a mischievous grin before leaning down and kissing me deeply on the lips. I try to pull her down but she quickly backs away. "I got something better then that baby" she says winking. I watch in awe as she reaches up and take off her shirt revealing her perky, chocolate breasts and smooth, flat tummy making my mouth instantly dry up. I reach up to touch her but she pulls out of my reach "slow your roll bubba, I want to show you a new trick I learned" she says cheekily making me giggle. "Be my guest then sweetheart" I say to her and before I know it she has me sitting up with my legs spread open wide screaming out to the God's as her talented tongue spells out the different ways she wants to fuck me.

Yeah I'm definitely keeping her...

MaybeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora