My Best friend

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I twist and twirl my hips as I dance to That's What I'm Looking For by Da Brat while dusting off the top of my fireplace. For some reason I'm in a fantastic mood this morning and full of energy so I decide to clean up a little. That little soon turned into me cleaning my room, the boys rooms, the kitchen, guest rooms, the playroom, theater, dance room, and the dining room. Now I'm working on the living room.

I frown as I hear knocking at my door until I hear the voice of my best friend. "Open up bitchhh Tamar told me about you know who!" She yells through the door. I quickly sprint to the door throwing it open to reveal my frustrated friend with a wide smile on her face "Taraji P Henson what have I told you about knocking on my door like you the damn police!" I yell at her pulling her inside.

"And what have I told you about saying my full name you know I got warrants" Taraji says before we burst out laughing launching into each other arms. "You so crazy" I laugh at her as she making her frown "girl that's not news, and where are my nephews?" She asks me sitting on my couch.

"Girl I they wanted to go to football camp this summer but where you been hiding at boo?" I ask her as I go get us some wine to drink. "Awe I was hoping to see them but I will see them next time, and you know I've been in Chicago working on Empire honey I've been busy" she says as I walk back in with a pout on my face. "I can tell I have barely got a damn fun call you must be trying to hide your secret man from me?" I tease her sitting down beside her.

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