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I sit on the damp sand of the beach watching as Toni runs away from the cold waves making me laugh. "Baby you are supposed to be running in the water not away from it!" I call out and she turns and runs to me in her little pink bikini.

"Its cold!" She pouts stomping her foot in the sand childishly making me laugh

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"Its cold!" She pouts stomping her foot in the sand childishly making me laugh. "I can't really do nothing about that honey" I tease gently. I hold my arms open and she happily crawls into my lap "what are you reading?" She asks pointing to the book I was occupied with while she 'enjoyed' the water. "A book of poems by different people, they are even a few by you in here" I say to her flipping through a few pages until I find the one I was talking about.

She scans down the page before looking back up at me "I remember this one, I wrote it the night before my wedding day" she tells me and I lean up to kiss her before standing up with her in my arms. She yelps "what are you doing?" She asks as I walk towards the water. "I'm teaching you the basics of life Toni" I say pausing when I'm knee deep in the cold water. "Which is?" She asks looking up at me with her deep chocolate eyes. "Sometimes you just have to jump in" I say smirking. "Wha-Bey I swear to Go-AH!" She says as I throw her into the water.

I laugh loudly when she comes up angrily spiiting out water "oh you little fucker" she says before grabbing me and we start a splash war under the hot sun.

A few hours later we are sitting on the impressive patio with her sitting between my legs on the long sofa as we feed each other some strawberry cheesecake icecream Tonis favorite. "Baby?" She calls out catching my attention "hmm?" "How do you feel about meeting my sons and maybe my sisters?" She asks turning around to look at me and I look down into into the big bowl of icecream between us.

"Baby I don't think thats a good idea" I tell her and I look up to see her frowning. "Why I thought this was what you wanted?" She asks moving back a little to give herself some space. "It is... It was but I have to think about my career right now and this can't be getting out" I tell her and immediately regret my words as I take in her hurt face. "Oh I see" she says standing up and walking into the house. I groan slamming my head back onto the chair. Way to fuck up a good night asshole...

I lay in bed on my side facing away from the door so I won't have to see Beyonce when she enters the room. I just don't understand why she doesn't want to tell the immediate family about us she acts like I want her to announce it to the whole world and she is the one who was pushing me to open up to her but she won't do the same for me.

Just then door opens slowly and I hear her stepping into the room quietly before she starts getting ready for bed. I stay quiet through the whole thing that lasts about ten minutes before I feel her getting into the bed beside me. Silence embraces the room for a few awkward moments before she speaks.

"Toni...baby I know you are mad but please hear me out" she says and I stay quiet with my eyes tracing around the dark shadows in the room. "When Jay cheated on me I promised myself that I wouldn't get close to another man anymore so me or my baby couldn't be hurt again... But then I meet you, a strong beautiful woman, and I found myself getting so close to you in just a few months. I knew right then that I was in love with you. And I want to protect that love because of how special it is and bringing other people into it might screw this love up if not done right" she says scooting a little bit closer to me.

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