Chapter 10: A medic's purpose

Start from the beginning

"So be it." He suddenly jumped right at me, his sword going right for my legs.

I jumped over it and stepped back slightly, giving myself the room to strike back on mid-height. Obi-Wan dodged by jumping back also but quickly regained balance, launching an attack from above that was directed at my chest.

He was holding back, I noted after I saw that his attack was slow and easy to maneuver. He was expecting me to parry it, I was sure. He probably thought that my sword wasn't able to withstand a lightsaber, resulting in him being able to splice it in two. So Instead of dodging it I held up my sword before myself, parrying his blow as sparks from his lightsaber flew from the spot they connected.

His eyes widened when his saber didn't cut right through my sword, his eyes quickly connecting with mine as our swords were pushing against each other before us. "What? How-" he muttered.

Using his confusement to my advantage, I kicked him back by placing my foot on his belly. He stumbled back and tried to regain balance and his concentration, twirling on his feet till he could stand properly again.

While he was still somewhat dazed he launched another attack, this time by trying to stick me with the point of his saber.

I dodged it by turning sideways and jumping closer to him, making it able for me to grasp his wrist that held the saber with my own free hand. While narrowing my eyes right at his, I heated up my hand till his tunic started to burn to a crisp right under my touch.

He yelled in pain and dropped his lightsaber, falling to his knees after I gave him another kick in the stomach. His right arm glasped around his stomach while his other hand grasped his injured arm. He panted loudly, watching the burn marks on his skin like it had been inflicted by a dragon.

It was when I put the tip of my sword on the side of his neck while standing right before him that he looked up, his blue eyes connecting with mine. I was surprised to see that there was no trace of fear in them even though I almost literally held his life in my hands.

"Wha-what are you?" Obi-Wan asked with wide open eyes as he stared at me.

"They call us The Valarjar, the warriors of the gods." I answered and then pushed the tip of my sword harder against his neck, drawing a few drops of blood. I didn't understand why I couldn't do it, why I couldn't kill him right there and then. Something was holding me back, preventing me from drawing my sword through the sensitive skin of his neck.

"Val'kyr?" Eugene's voice popped up from behind us, making me awake from my deep thoughts. "What are you waiting for?"

My eyes went back to Obi-Wan's who looked right back at me. My chest was rising and falling repeatedly, my breath ragged and fast. "I-I..." I stuttered, unable to look away or move.

"Lyanna, there you are!" I heard my brother's voice behind us pared with the sound of two sets of wings. He landed behind us together with a saddled gryphon. "Aaah, I see you've been enjoying yourself."

Gryphons were around the same size as griffins but just a bit smaller. They had the upper half of an eagle and the lower body of a lion. Because they were much easier to tame and easy to use in combat, we used them more often in combat.

I heard Aidan's chuckle and his footsteps drawing near. Neither Obi-Wan nor I turned to look at him, unable to break our eye contact.

"And a jedi at that, you've been busy." Aidan stepped right beside me, examining Obi-Wan while he patted my shoulder. "Finish it, dear sister, father is waiting for us to return."

"You go on with Eugene, I will catch up with you." I mumbled and saw Aidan's confused glance from the corner of my eye. He shrugged and then helped Eugene on the griffin, unwrapping his own wings from behind his back.

"Try not to get captured this time." Aidan chuckled while standing on the edge of the balcony with his golden wings stretched out behind him. "And don't forget what I said; never trust a jedi. You know what they did."

"I won't." I bit on my lip. Aidan hesitated while glancing at me confusingly but then took off together with Eugene.

Obi-Wan broke our eye contact to watch my brother fly away, followed by the gryphon carrying Eugene. "No matter how much I enjoy being at the end of your sword, my darling, I would like to get up now. My knees are starting to ache." He smirked at me.

I snarled and angrily put my free hand on his shoulder while my sword remained on his neck, bowing down till our faces were only a few inches apart so I could narrow my eyes at him threatingly.

"I am not your darling, jedi, nor am I your prisoner anymore." I growled. "The only reason you're still alive is because I know you were holding back. Unlike you, I only want to win with a fair fight."

Obi-Wan raised his eyebrows at me, seemingly not faced by my threatening appearance. "That's your excuse?" He huffed and smiled slightly. "I must say, you are one of few who were able to defeat me."

He chuckled and then remained silent, watching me as I was contemplating on what to do. "We can still work this out together, Lyanna." His eyes turned softer. "Although convincing Anakin would take some effort."

"You ruined that chance after refusing to give up that weapon." I stepped back but let my sword remain on his neck. "No, I'm going to leave. As you said before, we are enemies. We will act as such."

Obi-Wan sighed deeply. "Lyanna-"

"Obi-Wan!" I turned to see Anakin in the doorpost and heard his saber igniting immediately after seeing what was happening. "Get away from him, now!"

"Anakin! Don't!" Obi-Wan tried to warn him but was too late, I knocked him back and jumped on the balustrade of the balcony, unwrapping my wings from my back.

"Next time we see each other, Obi-Wan Kenobi," I turned to look at him standing up before I flew off. "Don't hold back, because I surely won't hesitate like I did."

The Valkyrie (Obi-Wan x OC) completedWhere stories live. Discover now