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» XXX «

Sean never talked to me about the thing we read a few days ago. And I noticed that he's always distracted with everything. And sometimes, he would skip practice and stay somewhere where no one could actually disturb him.

Kenneth has arrived 3 days ago and now, we're focusing on our practice because we need to improve our performance and were both starting to get nervous and its because tomorrow is the big day were all been waiting for: the celebration of our Golden Anniversary.

"Hey. You're not with me today. Are you okay?" Kenneth asked me as he tapped me on the shoulder. I looked at him and then he flashed a wide smile as he met my eyes.
I immediately avoided his gaze and looked at my fingernails.

"Are you alright?" He asked as he grabs my chin with his two fingers and faces me to him. My heart started to beat faster when I realized that our faces were a few inches away from each other. I removed his fingers on my chin and distant myself from him.

"I'm okay. Don't be worried about me. Let's just practice." I replied and immediately stood up.

"Help me up." He said and when I looked at him, he's already extending his arms as he remained seated on the floor. I decided to grab his hands and I felt the sudden sensation and immediately let go of him making him fell on the floor, butt-first.

"Ouch!" He said as he scratched his butt.

"I'm sorry!" I replied and immediately and kneel in front of him and looked at his back. "Does it really hurt?" I asked.

"Wh-what are you doing?" He said stuttering and when I turn my face into him, and I almost stop breathing when I realized for the second time that was few inches apart. I stood up and went away from him as I fixed myself.

"S-stand u-up. We should practice." I answered and turn my back to him. I rested my hand on my chest as soon as my heart started to pound so fast. Argh! Why do I feel this way?! Why is he changing me?

"Bails. I'm sorry." And then I look at him and he was already standing in front of me. And there's enough distance between us for me to breathe properly and for him to not hear my heart beating this fast.

"What are you saying sorry for?" I asked him not to know what he's really talking about.

"Just wait until today. I'll tell you everything tomorrow... For now, we should just focus on our practice." He said and then I just nodded in response.

We continued the practice and after that, the principal announced that we should go home early to prepare for tomorrow because the activity will start at 7.
Kenneth wanted to bring me home but I told him that I'll be going somewhere.
He was persistent and so am I. Until I saw Sean walking so I called him out and his gaze landed onto mine.

"Sean wait for me!" I shouted and I looked at Kenneth with sadness in his eyes. "I'll be going with Sean. Bring Kaycee home since you're both in the same direction. Bye Kenny!" I said and run away from him.

I didn't try and look back at him because I don't want to go back to where he is. And I need Sean so we could talk.

"Why did you leave him behind?" He curiously asked as I rested my elbow on his shoulder.

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