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» II «

It is already 4:30 pm and class has ended and were doing some ground improvement but still, nothing good had happened today. Nothing good had happened to me yet. And I don't like to clean because that kind of stuff just bore me. I might die now because of boredom. Well, except for my friends who are super busy like Julian and Gabe went to their coach to have a meeting for their upcoming football game. I think that'll be next week? I guess? And yes. They're football players. Gabe as the captain and Julian the co-capt.
Sean went to the library because he's been tutoring some schoolmates. It's not like he LIKES to tutor someone starting from 5 up to 8 (3 straight hours) because he still needs some time for himself alone, but the principal told him to do it. And since Sean doesn't like me hanging with him whenever he's been tutoring, then I have no choice but to just walk around the campus. I wanna do some stupid things but I'm not in the mood to do some things.
Me? Well, I don't do anything particular. I just go to school every morning, go home straight and eat then sleep. But every Saturday morning was having rehearsals for our performance in a bar every evening. On Saturday night, I sing in a bar just around the city and perform with my bandmates. Then on Sunday, I have dance classes and not many students attend those dance classes I held. That's how I earn money people. And my friends don't really know I do such things as singing and dancing. But I'm never been to a varsity team before because just like what I told you, I don't wanna join any teams or activities. And besides, I'm not as expert as the others. I don't like reading and I slack at almost everything. Well, not almost tho.

As I was taking my tour on the campus my tummy grumbles. Meaning, I'm really hungry. I was about to go to the cafeteria when Bailey immediately showed up in front of me making me almost jump out of surprise.

"What the hell woman?! Why do you suddenly just show up in front of me?! Are you trying to kill me just now?!" I burst out and she just gave me a cold stare. I look at her friend, Nicole Leano, and she's happily starring at me. Okay? That's weird. Super weird?

"Either am I don't really like seeing your ugly face, Mr. Kenneth San Jose. You are lucky because I'm showing in front of you now----"

"Don't flatter yourself now Ms. Bailey Sok because if I guess it right, you're here because you like me," I smirked.

"I like you!" Bailey and I look so shocked at Nicole who just spoke about her liking me. Did she just freaking confess her feelings for me?
It was total silence before Bailey could speak up.

"Principal Hufflepuff is looking for us. So we should go to the office together since it looks so important." Bailey said and immediately turn her back on me and started walking while Nicole is still looking at me.

"So, do you like me too?" Nicole said.

"Get away from me you creep!" I shouted at her and then started walking away from her. Then she keeps on asking me if I liked her back. She creeps me out after asking me so I immediately run towards Bailey, trying to avoid this crazy woman. I'd rather stay with Bailey than Nicole.

After a couple of minutes of walking, we already reach Principal Hufflepuff's office. I don't know but I'm very nervous about this thing. I know something bad will happen today.

Bailey opened the door and we saw Principal Hufflepuff talking through the phone. It looks so serious so we just slowly closed the door. But before we could really close it, he spoke.

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