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» XIX «

It has been already two days since Kenneth started practicing for the varsity team. Everyone in the class seems to have talked about him the past few days and he's really getting popular on the campus. Well, not the kind of popular tho.

I decided to just drown myself with the book I was holding. It's not an educational book but its a romance novel book that Nicholas Spark has written. I don't know what had gotten into me these past few days also because I've been thinking about Kenneth and I kinda miss tutoring him. Then in just a snap of a finger, I was loving every romance novel I got to see in the bookstores.

"Good morning everyone!" We immediately stood up from our chairs as soon as the teacher arrives. I decided to close my book and hide it inside my bag and brought my book and pen out instead. "Please sit down." The teacher said after the greeting and I immediately sat on my chair after turning my gaze to where Kenneth always sits during classes: behind my back.

I opened my book and scan the pages and put a stop to where we last ended last time. I was just looking at my book waiting for the teacher to start his lesson but I didn't hear any words in front. I held my gaze up and our teacher is busy speaking outside with the principal, I guess?
Then behind the principal was a woman with blonde shining long hair stood. I was a bit curious about who is the principal with because all I can see is her back at that moment so I decided to ask my seatmate.

"Hey. What is happening?" I asked full of curiosity and my seatmate looks at me with a curious face too.

"I think we're having a transfer student? I don't know. But base on my observation, the woman standing next to the principal might happen to be our new classmate." She said while turning her gaze up to the woman. I frowned trying my best to recognize that back but I can't seem to recognize who.

Then the teacher went back to his table and stood there while looking at us. The class went silent while waiting for the teacher to speak up. And I was one of the people who is waiting for what he has to say.

"Okay, class I have an announcement to make so listen up carefully. As you all know and as you can see earlier, the principal talked to me and I want you to all know that, officially, today, you'll be having a new classmate." Then the class started to whisper like bees because of what the teacher has said.

"Told ya." My seatmate told me while blowing up her bubblegum and popping it up then chew it back again.

"Be quiet class. If you want to meet your new classmate, please listen up to what she has to say and respect her. Understood?"

"Yes sir." The whole class said but I didn't bother answering. Why? Because I feel like, something is bad with it. Something feels different with this transferred student.

"Okay, please come in young lady, and introduce yourself."

Then a woman, with her silk hair swaying back and forth with her winter jacket on as her high knee socks covering her legs with her shoes making a tap on the floor. She stood confidently in front of the whole class she poses a warm smile in her face.

I know this woman! I said to myself trying to recall where have I seen that face or did I ever met her somewhere. I'm sure I know who this woman is! I convinced myself of trying my best to remember what scene have I seen her already.

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