Ch. 29

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Hello! Here is the next chapter, love you all, please vote & comment ❤️❤️ xx

Ch. 29

It was 2am when I heard my door open and Hannah barging in, great. She was taking off her boots and jacket.

"Hannah what are you doing I thought you were staying at Aaron's?" I mumbled, she turned on the lights causing me to squint and cover my eyes.

"I was but he decided to get a girlfriend during the process that we've been sleeping together so I guess I wasn't good enough!" She raised her voice causing Harry to groan and sit up.

"What's going on?" He asked, his voice raspy from just waking up, hot.

"Why is he still here?" Hannah snapped, "Hannah he can't leave there's a huge storm outside" she rolled her eyes walking over to me.

"Well I need to sleep and I'm not sleeping on the floor so move" I slowly got up and swung my legs out of the covers onto the floor.

"Where am I suppose to sleep Hannah? I'm six months pregnant!" I argued with her.

"It's not like you haven't shared a bed with him before" she gestured over to Harry who looks exhausted.

"Hannah I'm no-"

"Brooke he's the one who knocked you up just share the damn bed with him!" She argued while she got into her bed, turning off the lights.

I stood there in the dark clueless on what I should do, I felt a hand grab my wrist and tug gently.

"It's fine Brooke just get in, I won't try anything" I sat down on the bed getting in slowly.

"Bet that's what he said before he knocked you up isn't it?" Hannah laughed.

"Hannah stop" I warned her.

I got under the covers with Harry, unsure of how I should lay, I don't want to touch him and make him uncomfortable so I decided to just lay on my back facing the ceiling.

I laid in this position for about ten minutes before I felt an arm snake around my waist and pull me towards him. "Brooke it's fine just come here" he mumbled as I turned around to face him, my bump pushing into his abs.

"Night Brooke" and with that I drifted off.


I woke up needing to pee really badly, Harry's arms were wrapped around me and my legs were tangled in his. The baby was kicking my bladder so strongly I was afraid I was going to wet myself.

"Harry" I mumbled, I took my arm out from under his and placed it on his shoulder.

"Harry wake up" I gave his shoulder a little shake, he started to shift mumbling something I couldn't quite catch.

"Harry" I whispered a little louder, he let out a groan and pulled me a little closer, "what is it babe?" He mumbled with his eyes still shut, babe? He sounds so hot in the morning.

"Harry I really have to go to the bathroom, but your holding me" he opened his eyes slowly releasing me from his grip.

"Mhm sor-" I didn't even wait for him to finish his sentence, I was up and on my way to the bathroom.

By the time I came back Harry was sat up in bed, the clock read 9am, I'm thankful it's Saturday or else I would have missed my class.

I sat down on the edge of the bed, not wanting to be awkward and get back in.

"Do you have anything planned for today?" Harry asks to which I shake my head.

"Do you want to go shopping for the baby?" He questions stretching his arms and legs.

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