Chapter 8|| Forget me, please

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I sit in my abandoned classroom, watching Kung fu panda. Master Ugway, is my favorite. They do an excellent job of making he movie emotional.

Also, I started my period. The reason I have cried so much. Still no sleep. Just a 30 minute nap at 2:30 in the morning.

I hear clattering in the hall. I huffed and ignored the stupid asshats. I feel a loss.

I have therapy after school. Probably a good thing? Maybe, I don't know. Anti psychotics and anti depressants is what she wants to put me on.

The door jingles" Damn it" I smirked. Good stay out.

" Dahlia, I know your in there" a familiar voice sings. I froze. Micheal.

" Come on baby, I know your in there, just let me in" he coos from the door.

" Dahlia, come on, I just want to apologize for being so... harsh" he is freaking psychotic. He has more problems than me.

He starts pounding on the door" Dahlia! Let me in you bitch!" He screams.

I close my eyes and try to escape this place of hell. He continues to pound on the door. Calling me nasty things.

" Babe, I just want to talk to you!" He hits the door. I flinched.

" Just let me in and we can talk!" He shouts. I don't like this.

I need help. I need help. I don't have help. I don't have friends.

" Can you stop screaming!" Someone shouts at him.

" Shut the fuck up" Micheal says annoyed. He smacks the door" Let me in!"

" Stop doing that" Someone says annoyed. I hear Micheal grunt" Leave me alone dickhead"

" Micheal, go fuck yourself, who is even in there?" Mystery person asks.

"None of you fucking business" Before I knew it , I heard a thud against the door.

" Don't fucking talk to me like that again!" Another thud. I gasped.

I looked behind and looked at the door. Mystery person grunts" Clearly, my reputation doesn't follow from other schools" he yells.

I let curiosity get the best of me and I slowly walk to the door and listen to the two fight in the hall.

Who is it?

I stupidly open the door and gasped" Stop" I shrieked. Shocked but not really.

Micheal groans on the floor bloody. Reed has crazy anger in his eyes.  His fist white knuckled and bloody.

I gulp as he stands up straighter" Now, you're doing something?" He snaps.

Micheal groans on the floor. I looked at him. He deserves it after what he just did" He didn't deserve to get beaten" I muttered.

" Don't tell me shit Dahlia" he barks at me. I took a huff" Don't be pissed at me because I pushed you away so you could be popular, asshole!" I ran out of the room and down the hall.

" Lia!" Someone shouts excited. I gasped and leaned against the wall. It is saraphine.

" Long time no see bestie!" She grabs my shoulders and shakes me.

" Stop, please" I whined. She chuckles " So, how are you?" She smiles leaning against the wall.

" Fine" I walked passed her. Not in the mood. If I could sleep with out meds. My life would be better.

" Ok, first, Whats up yer ass?" She follows me. I shook my head" Im going through stuff right now" I replied to her.

" Are you doing ok?" She asks softly. No! Leave me alone!

He started EverythingTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon