"Sorry," I mumble, blinking.

"It's fine. If I were you I'd stare too." Cato smirks and I shoot him a small look before shoving past him, "Whaaat?" he whines, chuckling as he jog to catch up.

"I may not remember much about you, but I think I remember you being very arrogant."

"Ouch," Cato fake pouts, putting his hand to his heart, "You're a cold one, Rivers."


Now I freeze in my tracks, staring at the wall ahead of me. Cato bumps into my back then exhales, "Clove how many-"

"How did you know my last name?" I ask Cato, spinning around to look at him.

His face contorts in a thinking manner, or maybe it was an unsure look, but either way, he shrugs, "Lucky guess or I think I may have heard someone say it and just remembered."

"Rauls." I deadpan, "You're last name is Rauls."

"Yeah, so?"

"I can remember that."


I rub arm, "Do you think it's weird we don't remember much about anything?"

Cato stares at me for a bit before nodding only slightly, "Yeah, I guess so."

"Do you even remember anything from home? District Two home?"

"I do." Cato nods, "I have somethings about you."

"About me?" I furrow my eyebrows.

"Yeah, Snow said we trained together, but I don't remember anything other than that."

"So you don't remember, you were just told," I sigh.

"I guess so." Cato breathes deeply than pats my arm, "Lets keep walking. We don't want to hold up the meeting."

By the time Cato and I get to a large metal door, two men dressed in all white that I recognize as Peacekeeper check us for our ID's then swing the gate open. Inside is a large circular table filled with at least seven other younger looking kids, including Marvel and Glimmer. I glance at Cato who fishes a spot next to Glimmer and smiles at her. Marvel then waves me over and I hesitate. Most eyes are on me, for some reason. Maybe it's because I haven't left my room in over four days and people aren't used to my face. Or do I still have the chocolate from my muffin on my cheek?

"Good afternoon," a crackly old voice speaks up. He has hair as white as snow, ironic. "You all probably know me well enough by now as, President Snow."

Another tall blonde walks into the room dressed in all white. He's got bruises on his face and bags under his eyes.

Snow rubs his chin hair then sits down in a large white chair, "To begin I want to go over important information about what to expect in the following days to come. For starters, each of you will be receiving a custom designed training outfit. The outfit is made entirely out of the best textiles you could imagine and will hopefully fit you all to your liking, ensuring a positive training session."

"What will we be training for," I dare speak. A few glances and murmurs echo through the room.

"Clove," Snow says slowly, "I haven't seen your face in a while. Lovely to see you."

I just nod.

"To answer your question, and probably many others, you'll be training to fight. Fight against the Mockingjay."

The boy next to him with blonde hair tenses up.

"Mockinjgay?" someone across the round table from me asks.

"Ah yes," Snow nods slowly, "let me show you."

Just then, another Peacekeeper pulls down a large screen and the capitol seals gets projected on. The first two minutes its them trying to figure out how to starts then suddenly music blasts through the speakers causing several of us to jump.

A girl with brown hair in a braid is shown. The buildings around them are run down and old, but I recognize the number on one building in particular as Twelve. They're in District Twelve. Snow begins to talk, "This is Katniss Everdeen. She volunteered for her sister in the 74th Hunger Games. She won, along with Peeta-" he gestures to the blonde in all white, "but since then she's caused uprisings. Disobeyed capitol orders and destroyed an arena."

The screen then flashes to a scene where Katniss raises a bow and arrow up into the sky. She lets out a loud cry before releasing the arrow. At once, the sky sends a shock of electricity throughout what appears to be a force field. I almost let out a breath of amusement, but as I glance around the room everyone, including Snow, looks pissed off and distraught at her behavior. Then there's Peeta, who watches as if he's getting stabbed in the gut. His eyes peer away from the screen every now and then, jaw locked.

When the screen fades black and then shows a town in ruins, I can only assume it's District Twelve again, remembering what Johanna had told me back in the hospital room. Skulls and bones line up down roads, fires engulf large fields of dry grass, and homes crumbled to the ground in ashes. My stomach turns when a stray dog is digging his snout into a pile of bodies.

"Since the deconstruction of our arena, Katniss has not stopped breaking our laws so we had to prove our point. She hasn't stopped yet, in fact, we found her." Snow, points to the table which now, in the center, has a large map projected into the air. "She's located in District Thirteen. Scheming ways to kill us, all of us. Including Peeta. She is a mutt, a terrible liar, and someone we cannot trust."

"How can we be so sure?" I dare ask again, this time Snow stares at me. His cold grey eyes glaring into my green ones.

"Here, we have proof." Snow then rises slowly and mumbles something to the "ear" of a Peacekeeper, who nods and walks off. A few moments later, the screen that was black a few minutes ago shows trees.

It shows Marvel, getting an arrow through the heart by her.

Marvel quickly stands up, "What was that?"

Snow doesn't acknowledge him, instead the next image is Cato holding Peeta in a headlock, inches from the edge of the Cornucopia. Katniss releases an arrow into the back of his hand then is shoved off by Peeta, where he is then mauled by mutts. Cato also stands, hands pressed against the table; breathing hard.

The next image is me.

"Where's Lover Boy?" I ask Katniss, who struggles under my grasp.

I wince when my knife presses deeper into her throat, and then suddenly as I'm about to kill her, I'm lifted off the ground and the screen goes black. I don't stand, instead I stare, wondering why my death, like the others, wasn't shown. When I turn back to Cato and Marvel, I see Cato's clear blue eyes staring at me like he knows something.

"You see," Snow interrupts, "she isn't a good person."

"But those were the games." I retaliate, "We had to kill people. We all wanted to win."

"But she didn't win fairly," Snow almost yells. "She took the crown from you!" he then slams his fist on the table and groans. "Do you not see that?"

But I do see it.

Everything seemed to be a blur. Only vague images of blood splattering on my face and a feeling of rage seemed to come back; jealousy too. I knew I had killed people, most of which sit before me; unaware of what I had done to them. What the others had done to them. What the capitol had forced us to do. And for the first time since the start of all of this, Katniss didn't seem like the bad guy, Snow did. 

MEMORY (DISCONTINUED)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें