Thats it.

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Naruto POV

Thats it. I give up. Im dirty and disgusting. No one will ever love me for who I am. Everyone will hate me. No one will be by my side because im such a slut. Fuck I hate me life. I mean whats the reason in living when you have nothing. Why do I exist anyways? Im just a waste of space. Kakashi just skips past me in training. Always training Sasuke because hes 'awesome' unlike me being the piece of trash I am. Sakura just hits me all the time. I mean we get it Sakura.. you hate me. Heard it before. Then theres the teme that thinks hes all that. Degrading me whenever he can. Im sure Kakashi degrades me under his breath as well. Sakura tells the world about her hate for me. All the same. Everyday. One step out of my barely standing apartment and theres either glares, disgusted looks or rocks thrown my way. The other rookies hate me as well. I can tell. Kiba announces his dislike for me as well as Ino. Shikamaru and choji ignore me. Hinata.. well she faints from looking at me. I mean I would as well because im disgusting. Shino ignores everyone. Iruka-sensei is pushing himself away from me. Hes beginning to hate me as well. Sandaime hardly has time for me anymore. Probably doesnt wanna see me again. Most likely. Right now im in a puddle of my own sweat and semen. Weeping because im disgusting now. Why do I live here? In this world? The chunin exams are In a couple weeks. Kakashis probably gonna sign Sakura and Sasuke up. I dont care anyway. Not gonna be around to see it. I trudge to my apartment in the red light district. Once I make it in there ive already made a choice. Im going to finish what the yondaime started. I used to idolise the yondaime. Hes everything I wanted to be. I still do just not as much anymore. I dont have a dream to be hokage. If I did, it would probably be to settle down with a family. Not this... but oh well guess ill be a hero and kill the kyuubi with myself. Get some acknowledgement. For once. I didnt even notice I had already cut deeply into my arms. My world was blurring but the last thing I saw was a flash of yellow. Ehh? Why is there yellow in my apartment...

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