Explaining to the Sandaime

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3rd POV

The younger blonde smiled at the man on the chair next to him when they finished crying. They sat there just smiling then suddenly the older one groaned. The younger blonde head tilted to the side. "What?" The older one ran a hand through his hair. "I have to explain everything to Hiruzen-dono." Naruto then reclined with a sigh. "How do you think the village is going to respond with having their saviour back??" Naruto cocked an eyebrow at the other blonde in the room. He then saw a raging fire start in cobalt eyes. "They can go shove their unwanted love somewhere else. Never. Never in my life have I been so disgusted in them. I thought they were kind people. I thought they would look after you. But I THOUGHT WRONG!!! They treated you worse than they treat the dirt beneath their feet. And I was disgusted. I still am. Never will they have my gratitude in my life. I should ove took you, Kushina and I to live somewhere else and left the kyuubi in Konoha. Let it burn for what they di-" SLAP A peircing clap resounded in the room. Terrified cobolt eyes turned to wide disbelieving ones. "HOW DARE YOU SAY THAT!!! THIS IS YOUR VILLAGE AND YOUR SAYING YOU SHOULDOVE LET KONOHA TO PERISH UNDER THE KYUUBIS RAGE!?!?!? AND YOU WERE THE LEADER!!! A KAGE!!! IT DOESNT MATTER WHAT THEY DID NOW!! THATS ALL IN THE PAST. I HAVE YOU, JIJI AND IRUKA-SENSEI!! YOUS ARE ALL I NEED TO FORGET THE PAIN!! So dont say you will destroy my home. our home. They might hate me but I plan on protecting this village now that I have you..." The older blonde was thunderstruck and lost for words. The people-No those things... Monsters that hurt him. That scarred him. That raped his son are the ones his son wanted to protect. They should be thankful. If it wasnt for Naruto the whole village would be six feet under and completely wiped off the map. So with that thought the man cradled his cheek which was still kinda sore and red and reclined with a sigh. "Right.. Gomen.." Were the only words he could choke out. Then Naruto said "uhh.. No its me who should be sorry... I was just so angry... Mahh.. Should we go see jiji now?" Minato just nodded his head with a smile.

~Time skip to the hokage tower~

A man with a cloak on and a young blonde were currently outside the hokages office. One named 'Kazama Ouishi' and the other named Uzumaki Naruto. "Come in." Swiftly the two shinobi entered the room making no noise. "Naruto?? Wha-" "Hokage-sama we require a private audience with just you and no ANBU. The information we are about to give you is s ranked." The puzzled hokages eyes widened at Naruto calling him Hokage-sama. Then frowned at the seriousness in the boys tone. Never had he heard Naruto sound so intimidating and serious. So Hiruzen just nodded his head and flicked his wrist. Signalling to the seasoned ANBU in the room to scatter then once they vacated he set up a privacy seal in the room. "Alright Naruto. What is it and who is the man next to you?" To the old mans confusion Naruto smiled a little. A real smile. That means it was something good. "Jiji your never going to believe it but I met my dad..." The thunderstruck hokage went rigged then suddenly appeared behind the cloaked man with a kunai to his neck. And then slipped his hand under the hoodie and pulled back revealing brown hair and brown eyes that looked emotionless. the thing is the hokage could sense chakra surrounding the mans body but just barely stating that he had a henge on. "Exactly who are you and what do you plan to do with Naruto. Be honest before I slit your throat right now." There was a moment of silence before the man put his hands in a familiar hand sign and said "Kai.". There was a puff of smoke before "Im home Hiruzen-dono." An all to familiar voice startled the old kage. The man went rigged again before finally looking at the man before him and staring in disbelief. "Minato..." The old hokage managed to choke out. "H-how??... " "I know you must be confused but just sit down and me and Naruto wi-" "Naruto and I dad." "Right. Naruto and I will explain everything.." The hokage was going to have a heart attack at any moment. He just knew it. Blondes would be the death of him. First Tsunade... Then Minato and now Minatos son. He just couldnt wrap his head around Minato being here. Alive. Breathing because Hiruzen saw the shinigami take Minatos soul right before his eyes. He saw the light get extracted from his body so there was no way that the man could be standing before him. With a sigh he sat down suddenly very tired. "Explain to me how the hell you are standing before me Minato." With that the other men sat down on a couch near the big desk. "Actually now that I think about it... I dont even know how you came back dad?" Naruto raised an eyebrow. "Right umm well... Naruto this is a very sensitive subject are you sure you want to hear it?" Naruto was almost 90% sure of what his father was hinting at. So he shyly nodded. "Okay.. Um you know that the shinigami took my soul.. Well I have been watching Narutos life since birth ..." Narutos eyes shot open. Now thats not what he was thinking. He thought about his suicide attempt but it was much more worse than that. He thought no one knew of his beatings. He was suddenly going through a crisis. Unknowingly he started scratching his scars from the night before. He scratched once but before his nails could bite into his skin again a strong hand caught his wrist. "Stop that. You'll open the wounds." Naruto didnt respond but didnt scratch. "I didnt even have time to grieve over Kushinas death because I had to mourn over my son being beaten almost everyday for something that inhabited him. But last night they took it to far...." Narutos breath suddenly increased as his eyes went wide and pupils dilated. He was reliving last night. The fear and exposure and shame he felt last night were returning. Worst was... His father saw how much of a whore he was. Unknowingly several tears slipped out then suddenly he was up against a strong chest while someone was rubbing his back in circles. "Shh... Naruto. They wont ever get near you again now that im here. Your safe." "Minato I want to know what happened to Naruto!" "He was raped." The kage suddenly went livid. "HE WAS WHAT!?!?! THOSE STUPID PEOPLE!! WHAT HAVE THEY DONE!!!! I WILL KILL THE-" "NO YOU WONT!!! JIJI!!!" The angry kage looked at his grandson all in but blood who was peircing holes through him with his icy blue eyes. "Like I said to dad no one will hurt anyone! I plan on protecting the village now that I have my biological father. The past is the past!! Let it go jiji! Things will be different from now on.." Hiruzen had similar thoughts with Minato at the time. But eventually sat down still abit upset. "Go on Minato.." "Right. So the shinigami must have had an ounce of pity for Naruto cause it brought me back to life to save Naruto... From himself." Hiruzen caught the hidden meaning in Minatos words and suddenly felt like crying. Very emotional evening indeed. "I saved him and had a talk to him afterwards and now we are here. Ive told him of the Kyuubi attack and he understands why I put it in him." Hiruzen just looked at the two. Just staring. Until he smiled "Well.. Welcome home Minato." Minato just smiled his charming smile "Im home Hiruzen-dono."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2017 ⏰

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