Chapter 14: Prelims!

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Almost done with the Chunin exams. I personally think the Chunin exams is really boring so that's why it's so short.~Kayla
             [Not Edited]

                                                                      *Preliminary Arena*

"Congrats!" Iruka and I appear put of the scroll the kids put out. I smile at my team and give them a little chakra boost to help them. There was going to be a preliminary round to knock candidates out.

"S-sensei!" Sakura cries out and rushes to hug me once again. I ruffle her hair and smile down at her. Sasuke gives me a weird look and Naruto smiles at me.

"Now, you guys need to go over there and listen!" I order and they walk over by everyone else.

                                                               ~Time skip to first fight~

Great, Duck butt is fighting a stupid sound nin with his curse mark not sealed. He won't be able to use any chakra or the sharingan, at least not with his will power.

"Sasuke! You better watch it!!" I yell to him and eye his neck. Kakashi looks at me in a silent question and I pull him aside.

"You need to seal it after his fight."  I say and he nods. Sasuke starts maneuvering in a familiar way.

"No way. That kid is copying Lee!" I yell and look at Guy.

"Lions Barrage!" Sasuke yells as his curse mark spreads and I grip the railing in a silent prayer. The curse mark recedes and Sasuke is declared the winner. Kakashi flash steps towards him and walks to the underground area. I follow behind and place my hand on Sasuke's head.

"Good job kid" I say and walk up to Kakashi and summon Chi.

"Chi, carry me?" I ask him and he nods and I get on him.

"Imouto, don't you think that's a little lazy?" Kakashi says. I scoff and wave my hand in a dismissing manner.

"As if, getting this damn curse mark,not being able to use all my chakra and being pregnant is a lot to handle." I say and rub Chi's ear.

"Plus Chi loves carrying me around." I say and Chi attempts to smile the best he could.

"Hai! Milady is very light and it is fun!" Chi barks out. Kakashi sighs and begins preparing for the seal. Sasuke sits on the ground and Kakashi performs the seal. He screams out in pain and passes out. Pedo-snake appeared from the shadows and Chi growled lowly.

"That ssseal won't work for long, hissss body will be minnne. Asss well asss your'sss princesss." He hisses out. Kakashi pulls out a kunai and anger shines through his visible eye.

"You will not touch them any longer Traitor!" He yells out. I slowly pull out a senbon needle and throw it at a nerve in his hand. He tried moving his hand but failed and saw the needle.

"I musssst go. Bye dearsss" He hisses out. I cry out as pain rushes through my leg as I fall off Chi.

"Milady!" Chi calls out and whimpers at the sight of me. I growl out as purple flames encase my thigh.

"Fire style: Purple flame seal!" I yell and temporarily seal the mark making the pain go away.

"Shit! That" and with that I drifted off to the darkness.

            ~Hour later~

"SASUKE! " I shout and bolt up right in a hospital bed. I notice ANBU around and I get up tearing the needles out and walk towards Sasuke.

"You did well...Otōto." I say and rest my hand on his cheek lovingly. I walk out of the room, threatening the anbu to watch him carefully. They nod respectfully knowing who I am and the rumors in the Anbu base.

I look at the names on the board and worry.

'Rock Lee VS Gaara of The Sand'

"LEE IF YOU SURVIVE THIS I WILL RACE YOU!!!!!" I shout and Lee gives me a thumbs up and his eyes sparkle.

"OKAY MURASAKI-SENSEI!! I WILL WIN FOR THAT RACE!" He shouts back. I smile and watch the fight. I cast a glare towards Gaara, at least if Shukaku gets out of control I can help a bit.

"Begin!" Gekko-san yells and I watch intensely. After awhile Guy allowed Lee to take off his weights. Oh I guess I could take off mine...I don't want another lecture from Guy though. I smirk at Lee's speed and grip the railing.

"GO ALL OUT LEE!!!!" I yell and he nods and unlocks the first gate. Kakashi gasps and lectures Guy.

"Kaka-baka, you got nothing to say because you are going to teach Sasuke the Chidori." I scold and continue to watch the fight below.

"This will be it." Gaara said and began using Sand Coffin. I growl out and jump down. I summon my sword and cut the jutsu off a second too late. A sickening crush is heard from Lee as his arms and legs are crushed.

"GAARA WHAT THE FUCK!" I scream at him as Guy catches the now unconscious Lee.

"Why..why do you care?" Gaara questions.

"Gaara he is a comrade and a student. Of course we care. " I say. Lee attempts to fight more only for me to lay him down.

"I can only stop the pain for now Lee... I'm so sorry.." I say and begin healing and blocking the pain. The medic nins the take him away as I glare and Gaara, my eyes flashing a dangerous violet.

New names flash on the screen and I smirk. No way.
'Sakura Haruno Vs Ino Yamanaka'
"You got this Saku!" I encourage as she enters the field. They start off with a taijutsu fight but they stop and tie their headbands on their foreheads.
"Covering your hideous forehead?" Ino taunts. Don't let it get to you Sakura. They start fighting again and then Sakura gets trapped. Ino used her mind transfer to almost make Sakura forfeit. Keyword, almost. Naruto started yelling and Sakura broke free of the jutsu.
"THAT'S MY GIRL!!" I yell out. They both passed out making it a tie.

~After the rest of the fights~

"There will be a month period before the final rounds of the Chunin exams. Good bye" Grandpa says and poofs away.

"Sakura. I will train you for this month, you may not be competing but I promised you a Jutsu, didn't I?" I smile at her and ruffle her hair. She tears and hugs me, and mutters thank yous.

"Let's go for ramen team!" I say and dash off. Only a little while left until it will all go down. I cant shake a bad feeling. Something is going to happen, and it won't be good.

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