Chapter 5: Team 7

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So I have no idea how long this story will be. But it's gonna be pretty scattered until I find a good time place to start. Which will probably be around Team 7 and then on. ~ Captain_Kayla

            *6 years later(Around the start of Naruto)*
  "Koko, take off your mask. You will no longer need it. I'm moving you down to Jonin and helping you assist another Jonin with a team of Genin. I believe you know him." The Hokage tells the girl. She takes off the masks revealing one of her familiar bright purple eye. The other being covered by her bangs.

 "Hokage-sama, why am I being deranked?" The girl asked.

 "Murasaki. This is more of a break. Your task as a ANBU has affected you. Your team skills are decreasing over the years and you need a refresher." The Hokage states. The girl flinches at her name. Not used to being called that,she was now known as Koko, the purple eyed demon. The Hokage gave her a code name like all the other ANBU, so she was called that the past couple years. Her childish behavior dissipated after her first team had gotten killed. She became serious and more sadistic, worrying the Hokage. Mura tenses as she feels another person enter the room, feeling exposed without her mask. She then slightly relaxes when she recognizes the silver gravity defying hair.

 "Kakashi, Murasaki, you will be leaders of Team 7. Murasaki, don't worry. They will be safe." The Hokage says, glancing at the girl, seeing her flinch. Kakashi glances that the purple haired girl, taking in her appearance and aura. Her long purple hair up in a ponytail, her bangs still covering one eye. She grew slightly taller, she was still on the shorter side. She was wearing a ANBU uniform with a katana on her back. He reconizied the katana that Itachi had given her when they were hanging out for her 6th birthday. Her eyes didnt shine like they had used too, they were lifeless, and sad.

"Murasaki, please catch up with Kakashi, seeing as you guys were great friends before it all happened." The Hokage said. Mura nods her head, and turns to Kakashi.

 "Kaka-baka let's go. " she said to him slightly smirking. Kakashi was taken back a bit by the sudden attitude change, but he followed the girl out.

"So.. Mura.. How are you? " Kakashi said awkwardly.

 "Uh okay I guess. I don't know about this whole team thing... " Mura said. Kakashi immediately understood why the Hokage said to the girl. Something happened while she was in ANBU... And it wasn't a nice experience.

"We should go.. Kaka-baka. " Mura said. She looked into the man's eyes trying to read his mind. Her eye glowed slightly as she enters his mind. She suddenly hears his thoughts.
I wonder what happened to her... Why is she flinchy? Her joyful personality had dissapeared. Where was she really when she left for the year. What happened between her and Itachi after it happened? The last question got her distracted and she left his mind.

 "Uh, Mura? You okay? You spaced out. " Kakashi said. Mura sighs and said,

"Yeah. I will answer your questions when we get to my house. You know where I live. I will meet you there. " With that she teleported away. He soon followed but instead of in the house, he appeared ten meters away.

 "Sorry Kaka-baka I have a barrier hang on" Mura said walking out of the house. She walks up and touches his forehead. She grabs his hand quickly and runs inside.

"I'm still working on letting other people enter without my touch. " She states. Kakashi nods in a understanding manner.

 "Sit, I will explain. Seeing as I can trust you. " Mura says.

 "2 years ago.. My ANBU team and I were on a simple A ranked mission, to protect a upperclassman from bandits and rogues....we got anbushed and they got to my team. Everyone was killed, I was severely injured. Stabbed in the stomach and hit with a special jutsu. " she said, pulling up her shirt to show a massive scar. Kakashi nods understanding her pain.

 "I'm flinchy because I'm always aware and I twitch to certain sounds. It's from being in ANBU for so long. My relationship with Itachi, well I don't know. I was in the Akatsuki for that year. The Hokage knows, Itachi convinced me to come back.... H-he said he...loved me. I confessed back, we kissed and parted ways. I haven't seen him since." Mura says, slightly tearing at the end. Kakashi embraces the girl in a hug, Kakashi had loved the girl, but in a sisterly way. He always knew the connection between the two, they had perfect teamwork and were impossible to seperate.

"Okay, well nothing changed for me. Now our team consists of Naruto Uzumaki, Sakura Haruno and Sasuke Uchiha. " Kakashi said. Mura flinches at the name of Sasuke.

 "Sasuke is mad at me.. When he found out about Itachi and I said to just love him and I told him that everything he does is for our safety.. Sakura, I know she is intelligent. Naruto, heh my pride and joy. " Mura said. Kakashi nods,

"We have to go to the academy tomorrow morning to meet them. Okay? " Kakashi said to her sternly. He knows even if she had changed she would still try and skip.

 "Kaka-baka I won't skip I promise! " Mura says to the man and sticks her tongue out.

"I knew you wouldn't grow out of that. " Kakashi said. "You just hide it from everyone. I know you won't hide it from me. It may have been awhile but you're still like my sister. " He continued.

 "Yeah. Like I can hide anything from you anyways Kaka-baka" she replies.

 "Well go home. This has been a mentally tiring day. Using... Emotions. " Mura says. Kakashi laughs slightly and goes home.
          *That morning*
"Naruto he won't fall for it! " Sakura yells at Naruto. Naruto laughs and puts the eraser on the door.

 "Hn. " Sasuke says. Kakashi walks in and the eraser hits his head.

"My first impression of you guys... You're all idiots. " Kakashi says. They suddenly hear someone laughing loudly behind the man.

 "HA KAKA-BAKA GOT PRANKED BY NARUTO! " Mura yelled walking into the classroom.

"MURA-NEE WHAT ARE YOU HERE!?" Naruto shouts loudly getting up to hug his sister like figure.

 "I'm your other sensei!! " She says excitedly. Kakashi sees Mura smile at the boy. He could see the happiness and pride in her eyes, well eye. Suddenly a kunai was thrown at the girl. Her head snapped up and caught the kunai with ease.

"Now, now Duckbutt, that's no way to greet me. " Mura says her face showing signs of anger.

 "DONT CALL MY SASUKE THAT!" Sakura yells at Mura. Mura shoots the girl a glare her eyes glowing from anger. She hadn't been this angry for awhile. The last time Itachi was with her to calm her down. Mura puts Sakura in a minor genjutsu to scare her.      

"Hn, she's right. Don't call me that Murasaki" Sasuke says with venom. Mura growls loudly at the boy. She appears behind him, and puts a kunai to his neck.

 "I will do whatever I please Sasuke. After all I have legal custody of you. Mikoto-sama did leave custody papers if something were to happen. Ah but you didn't know that cause you won't listen to anyone when they mention the clan. All you care about is killing Itachi. He did it to keep us safe, you ignorant little bitch. " Mura says, pushing the kunai harder against his neck, slightly drawing blood. Kakashi sees this and quickly takes the kunai away from her.

"Aw Kaka-baka I was having funnnn~" Mura whines to Kakashi.

 "Mura, undo the genjutsu and heal Sasuke.... Please and say sorry. " Kakashi whispers into her ear. She groans but agrees she goes up to Sakura and releases the genjutsu. She walks up to Sasuke and heals his neck.

"Sorry Sakura. Sorry not sorry Duckbutt. Dont be a lil dick. " Mura says to the two. Naruto goes up behind Mura and hugs her.

 "Mura-nee don't be scary like that. " Naruto says. Mura looks down at the boy and a sad look crosses her face.

"Oh I'm sorry Naru I didn't mean to scare you, just that Teme Duck butt and Sakura." Mura says hugging the boy back.
Kakashi watches the scene slightly scared of Mura as well. He was in for a fun time, but this was Team 7.

Aye 2 days in a row. This was the longest chapter yet at 1437 words (^-^) ~ Captain Kayla

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