Farewell My Lover

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359/365 days
Play the song if you want

I been hospitalize since yesterday, Mina and Ara are sleeping in the couch a few feet away from me. My family is also here and my friends. I know it's time now. For the last time I saw the beautiful sun rays as they go down. I grab the golden pocket watch, I wish to go back in time and never be sick or at least be reborn again and have a happy ending. I can't believe I'm making a wish. What a childish thing to do when you're about to die.

"Jimin-ya," Mina said yawning and stretchering her to arms. "I'm going to get food with Ara."

I nod, "Mina. I love you."

"Not yet Jimin. Don't say goodbye to me. You still have more days to live," she lower her head down.

"I just wanted you to know that," I say.

Jungkook POV

I saw the beautiful sunset, I open a can of beer and start drinking. It's getting dark now. I close my eyes as the fresh air blows on my face and hair. I sit down on the little stairs and put my palm on my face.

"Mind if I join?" A deep voice said.

I don't even turn around to see who it is, instead I drink more. He sighs deeply and begins to drink too.

"There's always a miracle," Taehyung said.

I chuckle a little, "that's the same thing I told Jimin but I'm not sure anymore."

"Don't lose hope."

"I haven't but Jimin has," I stare at the can of beer and squeeze it. "He's leaving me..." my voice cracks a little.

He gently pat my back, "let's go back inside."

I nod, my tears are going down.

"Jungkook are you okay?" I know that voice it's Mina.

"Yea it's just... you know," It was almost a whisper.

"Uncle don't cry," Ara wipe my tears away with her tiny fingers. "Appa wouldn't like it."

I smile at her, that's right jimin wouldn't like it. I nod and stand up. Taehyung takes my can of beer away form me.

"I'm going to get food, you should talk to Jimin," Mina said holding on Ara's hand.

I nod and enter the hospital.

Mina POV

We walk to a near by food store, Ara looks around for her favorite chocolate bar. I go to the noodles section. I check my phone it's 8:40 PM. Well damn. Time is flying by.

"Mommy I found it!" Ara runs up to me and holds the chocolate bar she likes. "Do you think my baby brother will like it?"

"Probably," I smile brightly.

My phone begins to ring. I answered my phone. My heart stops beating. It was like an atomic bomb drop in my heart and shattered every pieces of my heart. My throat felt heavy. Hot steamy tears are coming out, they're painfully but I don't stop them. I pick Ara up and carry her out of the shop. I run back to the hospital hoping that it was a mistake. I run and run and hope and hope it was a mistake. I enter the building and take the elevator to floor five.

When the doors open I saw everyone crying. I place Ara on the floor and run to Jimin body that was cover with a hospital blanket.

"It's not true," my legs felt weak and I collapsed to the ground. It hurts. It hurts. He had six days left. I knew what I sign up for but it hurts like hell. I lost my love of my life, my lover.

"Mina," Jungkook picks me up.

"It hurts," my chest felt like it was about to bust out of my body along with my heart. I'm painfully dying from pain right now. I probably look like a hot mess but I don't care.

"I know it does," he embrace to his arms.

He's gone now. I will never feel his warm arms around my skin, he's lips against mine, he's breath, his lovely voice or his face. I gasp for air desperately. The world turns black and white for me. There's no color now. I didn't say I love you too when he told me the three words to me.

"Mina! You can't be like this! Think about your baby and Ara!" Sana said.

That's right. I have Jimin's baby in my stomach. I clam down a little, I'm so lonely. I couldn't even say goodbye to him or be there for him. Everything is spinning around, my eyelids feels heavy. I close my eyes.

A/N: One more chapter guys and the book is done

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