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182/365 days for Jimin to live

Mina POV

I'm suppose to be happy, excite, hyper, ready to leave high school but I can't. Jimin is not here with me. I don't feel fully complete.

"I know is hard," Sana place her hand on my shoulder.

"Jimin will be fine," Jihyo embrace me to her arms.

I smile and nod. They're right. I have faith in him. Everything is going to go well. It's been one week since he got hospitalized. Each time we spend together is precious to me. I see my mom in the crowd also Jimin's parents. I wave at them. Jimin, I wish you were here with me. Standing together on the stage.

They call each student name one by one. It's finally my turn to receive my diploma. I bow and smile for Jimin. I know the gym is full with people but why do I feel so empty?

"Mina tell Jimin I said hey and to get better," Nayeon shows her bunny teeth. "Also I want to thank him. He's a good person, I can tell why you fell for him."

"Thank you."

"You coming to the party?" Mark asks.

"No, I'm going to visit Jimin after the whole graduation is finish."

"I should visit him too...I really need to apologize to him."

"I see."

They say goodbye to me and left. It takes a few hours for graduation to finish. I look for my parents and for Jimin's parents. We take pictures and laugh. After that I go to the hospital to see Jimin.

"Jimin!" I can finally smile.

"You look happy?" He's cute chubby cheeks pop out as he smile. "So how was it?"

"Boring. I couldn't wait to come and see you!" I get on the edge of the bed.

"I really wanted to be there with you..."

"You were. You're always there with me even though it doesn't seems like it."

He looks at me when I said that. It doesn't matter what happens next at the end we will unite in heaven. He gently touch my palm and run his fingers around my law line.

"I'm sorry," he finally says.

"Don't. Don't say that. It was my choice."

He stays quiet for a moment and pulls a old golden pocket watch. "An old ahjumma was reading my cards... she can 'supposedly' read the future."

"It's beautiful," I says looking at the pocket watch.

"Just like you."

"That's so cheesy," I giggle and my cheeks are probably red like a tomato.

"But you like," he smirk.

We're waiting in the waiting for Jimin's results. I think everyone in the room is anxious and scare for the results. Let's just hope that everything is going to be okay. The doctor comes out and everyone stands up.

"Technically he has a year to live. We were afraid that his heart was damaged due to the soccer ball but the results said something else." He pauses for a moment.

I'm scare.

"He's healthy more than ever but that doesn't change his fate...six months already passed. Now he has six more months to complete the year."

"So can he go home?" I ask the question I was longing to ask.

"Yes," he smile at me.

We all bow to him, Mrs. and Mr. Park go back to Jimin's room and pack everything to go back home. I just want to see Jimin. My parents hug me before leaving and Sana and Jihyo told me to call them if I'm having trouble with something.

I go back to the the hallway and take the elevator to get a snack since I haven't ate anything. I go to the vending machine and if there's anything I like.

"Pretty girl?" The voice is familiar to me.

I turn around, "Oh. You're the kid from Busan."

He's in a wheelchair wearing a hospital gown. His lips are bust it, he has a few bruises on his face and his arms.

"I know I don't look handsome right now," he try to smirk. "Aishhh," he said touching his lip.

I laugh a little, "well I have to go."

"Nice seeing you around," he shouts as I'm walking down the hallway.

[few hours later]

"Mina can you sleep?" Jimin warps his arms around my waist.

"No but now I can," I get close to him. "I can't wait for our wedding."

"Same," he press his warm lips against my forehead. "Mina...always keep that smile."

I nod.

Jimin POV

I still remember what the ahjumma told me. There's probably hope if I believe. My future is different from others and only I can change it. I will change it when it's time. We're going to see each other in an another world. This time we're going to have a happy ending. I promise.

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