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I heard a soft whispered in my ear, I turn around pulling my blanket up toward me. I'm so damn sleepy to get up...suddenly I heard someone yelling my name.

"Aisshh! Shut up!" I threw my pillow at whoever it was. I need my beauty sleep plus I don't feel like going to school today. Suddenly someone takes my blanket away. I hug myself feeling the coldest.

"You're just-just wearing boxers?" I know that voice. I looked up and saw Mina covering her face. I can't tell if she's blushing or not?

My eyes widened, "who let you in?" I take the blanket away from her. I quickly wrapped myself up and tried to talk normal. My face is heating up, I bet my cheeks are becoming pinkish.

"Your mom did!"

"Okay... can you leave now? That's if you want to dress me up?" I smirked at her and laughed at the same time.

She looked like she was lost for words and left the room. I sigh and begin to put my school uniform on, I go to the bathroom, and wash up. I looked at myself in the mirror.

"Handsome like alway," I said fixing my hair and went out to the dining room. I saw my mom sitting down across from Mina.

"Jimin-ya~" Mina said getting up. I'm weird out by the way she is acting right now. I mean yesterday she looked like she was broken into millions of pieces. I looked at my mom like what the heck?

"Jimin your friend made breakfast for you," my mom smiled at me with her shining eyes. Damn it I know what she's thinking.

"Really?" I looked at Mina.

[Lunch time]

"Jimin!" Jungkook shouted.


"Don't you just what me! I know you're going out with Mina! The whole school is talking about it," Jungkook looked at me like get it.

"I'm not dating her," I said looking at the window. It's a beautiful view... I only have year to enjoy this view.

"Really?" Jungkook was choking on his water.

I nodded.

"Hold-hold up," he was coughing.

"Jimin?" A girl with bunny teeth stood in front of my desk. She tucked her hair behind her ear. I think her name is Naeyeon? I don't recall her.

"Lucky bastard!" Jungkook whispered soft so the girl couldn't hear him.

"May I speak with you?" She said shyly with her cute voice.

"You can speak with me," Jungkook winked at her. He was checking her out and he was being obvious about it.

"Stop," I said smacking his head. "You're going to freak her out!" I stop him before he did something stupid.

"Alright," Jungkook pouted.

Rooftop," the girl said dragging me out of the classroom. We were running up the stairs and stop when we reached the rooftop.

"What is it?" I said gasping for air. My heart hurts a little from running. I place my hand on my chest.

"You're Mina new boyfriend?"


"That's good I guess," she mumbled. "I'm her best friend," she bowed.

"The cheater?" I said out loud and covering my mouth. So she's the one who took her ex boyfriend away. Not going to lie but she's cute too, but there's only one who owns my heart and it's Mina.

"So she told you?" Her smile turn to a frown. "Tell Mina that I'm sorry... Mark and I love each other but he didn't know how to tell her."

"I'm leaving," I said turning around.

"Wait!" She shouted.

I stop walking toward the door. To be honest I hate drama, I tried to avoid all the time. I became invincible to everyone. The only friend I have is Jungkook.

"Look," I said. "Apologize to her not me," I left the rooftop.

When I came back to class Mina looked pissed. She glared at me and crossed her arms. The bell rang and it's class time.

Mina POV

I don't know why I'm acting like this?! I mean I just met him yesterday but when Sana told me that Nayeon dragged him out of the class I was pissed. He didn't even try looking at me. The whole class period I was pissed. When the last period was over I quickly went to Jimin's desk.

"Can we talk?" I said crossing my arms.

"Okay," he said grabbing his backpack.

Jimin POV

"JIMIN-YA~ GET IT," Jungkook shouted for everyone to hear. Oh my gosh I'm going to kill him. I'm so embarrassed right now that I can't look at Mina.

"Lets go," I grin looking at Jungkook while he's making kissy face at us. We leave the building walking to the bus stop.

"Jimin you're hurting me," she tried to take her hand back. Shit I didn't know I was holding her hand.

"Sorry," I said.

"Jimin look at me," she leaned close to me and got on her tippy toes. She pressed her soft pinkish lips against mine.

My heart is beating like crazy to the point I thought I was going to faint. She stole my first kiss but I won't complain. The kiss was amazing it was like my heart lit up. The kiss was sweet like her. I didn't want to break the kiss but we had to.

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