Mala's babysitting adventure

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This story was requested by 'marine1324'.

This is a work of fan fiction using characters from the How to train your dragon world, which is trademarked by DreamWorks Animation L.L.C. and originally written by Cressida Cowell, and I do not claim any ownership over them or make any money from them. This story is for entertainment only and is not part of the official storyline.  

Prompt: Modern AU, Hiccup and Astrid are married and Toothless and Stormfly are their children. Since both of them are busy at work they have Mala babysit and of course chaos ensues.


Mala's babysitting adventure

Hiccup smiled as he played tea party with his little princess while his six year old son was busy coloring in the new coloring book he had been given.

"Daddy would you like some more tea with your biscuit?" His nine year old asked as she poured some for her pet Boa Mathilda and her Ken doll.

"Sure thing princess." Hiccup laughed as he held out the pink plastic tea cup. Stormfly hummed as she pretended to pour her daddy some tea.

"So daddy you wanna hear the latest news?" Stormfly laughed as she smoothed out her pink frilly dress.

"What have you got for me sweetie?" Hiccup asked as he pretended to sip tea.

"Well, Toothy got a crush." Stormfly told him casually causing her little brother to yell. "No I don't, No No NO!"

"Aaaw, my little boy is growing up." Hiccup laughed causing Toothless to shout "NO No NO" again.

"Stormy is being mean!!" Toothless shouted back as he threw a crayon at his sister.

"Hey no throwing things!" Hiccup admonished causing Toothless to pout. "Besides your sister had a crush too."

"Daddyyyy!!" Stormfly shouted. "That was three weeks ago!! I don't need a man to make me happy!!" This caused Hiccup to nearly choke on his non-existent tea.

"And Mathilda grew again!!" Stormfly continued on like normal. "She's now thissss big!!! She indicated stretching her tiny hands apart while giggling. Hiccup looked to the Boa, which he had gotten his daughter when she had seen it in the pet shop and fallen in love with it, and indeed noticed that the snake was now nearly 7 feet long. It lay curled up on the plastic chair not really caring if it had tea or not.

His wife, Astrid, had nearly fainted a year ago when she saw the reptile draped over his neck that evening with their daughter cooing and making silly faces at it. Hiccup convinced her, while dodging sharp pointy objects, that raising a pet would be a good experience for their daughter.

Astrid had made him promise to get Toothless a either rabbit or a bird when he turned eight and not another reptile.

"Daddy daddy!!" Stormfly called trying to get his attention. Hiccup snapped out of his musings and looked at his daughter.

"Ken is sad!!" Stormfly explained while pointing to her hawaiian shirt wearing Ken doll.

"And why is that sweetheart?"

"Barbie left him to go space exploring and now he needs to start speed dating!!"

Hiccup raised his eyebrows. "And where did you hear about this speed dating?" He asked.

"Aunty Heather and mommy were talking about setting auntie Camicazi up!" Stormfly stated proudly.

'Well that explains it.' Hiccup thought. Hiccup's phone chose that moment to ring.

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