His Thoughts on You

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Anakin: Wow, this girl is cute. She must be a slave too. Wait, is she blushing?! No ones in here besides me and her. Hold on. That means she's blushing at me! Yes! Maybe she'll become my girlfriend! A guy can only hope.

Obi-Wan: That girl... I've seen her somewhere. Maybe, no. Is she blushing at me?  The hall is empty. I'll wink at her and see what she does. And...she rolls her eyes at me. Figures. Wait, she's walking away! I grabbed her wrist. " I'm Obi-Wan," I said. "(Y/N)," she said. "I hope to see you again sometime," I said. "Me too," she said. Maybe I will see her again. Maybe...

Luke: She's cute. Wait, did she just roll her eyes at Han? She did! "Um, I'm Luke," I said timidly. Way to go Luke! Now she's going to think I'm shy! Wait, did she smile at me? She rolled her eyes at Han, but she smiled at me! Han said almost exactly what I was thinking. I rolled my eyes. She did too. I think we're going to be good friends.

Han: Make your own!!!

Kylo: "Kylo," Hux called.  I looked at him. There's a girl beside him.  "What," I asked. "I'd like you to meet a friend of mine, (Y/N)." Wow, she's beautiful. "Sir," she said. "Luntenint," I said. I hope I get to know her more.

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