Saudade- part 2 [olderhiroxreader]

Start from the beginning

"Boring," You blurted out. "Uh, that is- it's quite uninteresting."

He laughed at your quick correction, his tooth gap showing. Yup, this was definitely the same Hiro about 5 years ago.

His laugh died down as a thought snapped in your mind. "Hiro? You're not going to order anything? You literally stepped out of the line when you saw me," You asked him as you suddenly remembered that you had ordered something.

"Nah, it's okay. Besides, I could just steal some of yours," He smirked as you reached over to slap his arm.

As if the waitress heard your conversation, just in time, the food you ordered was served.

"Here you go, miss," The waitress smiled as you as she set your food and drink on the table. "Do you want to order anything, sir?" She turned to Hiro, flashing the same bright smile.

"Oh, no, it's okay," Hiro smiled back at her, kindly declining her offer. The waitress bowed her head slightly and went back to her duties as usual.

Hiro watched you as you started eating your sandwich, trying to observe your facial features. You still had your smooth (H/C) hair and your gorgeous (E/C) eyes. The same features ever since the last time he saw you. You've never really changed much, in his opinion. Leaning his cheek against his hand, he gazed in your eyes, his expression softening. You looked so peaceful, and he admired that.

You looked up, your eyes meeting his. "What?"

He chuckled as you were already halfway through your sandwich. "Nothing."

"Y'know, if you're hungry you can have some," You pushed the plate with the other half of the sandwich over to him. To cover up that he was actually staring at you, he accepted the other half as he took it and bit into it.

You giggled at him while you covered your mouth. "Here, we can share the drink too."

"Wow, remind me to treat you next time. You're too kind," Hiro finished the sandwich as both of you ended up in fits of laughter.

"Yup, make sure you do," You flashed him a smile as you got up from your seat. "I'll just get another straw-"

Hiro grabbed your wrist, holding you back. "It's fine. We used to share food last time, remember?"

You chuckled at his nonchalant tone. "Well, if you insist," You shrugged as you sat back down. Hiro took the drink and began stirring it and sipping it after. He pushed it over to you as you took a sip yourself.

"Hey, (Y/N)," He nudged you with a smug expression on his face.


"Indirect kiss."

"Hiro!" You hands flew to your mouth as your cheeks burned a few shades of red. Hiro bursted out in laughter, grabbing attention from other tables. Seeing you embarassed was one of the most entertaining moments ever, again to Hiro's opinion.

"I-Idiot!" Your blush was dying down, but you were still embarassed at his little statement. "Gross, I'm not drinking that anymore," You joked, looking at his childish expression.

"Oh, c'mon! I'm just playing around," He started laughing, you joining in after.

Both of you had really caught up in that little café meeting.

You were finishing the last of that drink when Hiro stood up. "C'mon, let's go."

"Where to?"

"Wherever I bring you. Don't you wanna hang out with your best friend?" Hiro fake sulked. You playfully rolled your eyes at him as he gave you a hand that you accepted.

Hiro x reader one-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now