Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

*Scarlett’s POV*

I woke up on the cement floor for the second time in like two days.  My throat was burning.  On the table was a small note.

I know you will be dead soon, so I am giving you a feast for your last week.  You get an apple, chicken leg, and a whole loaf of bread. Also you can have a whole gallon of water.

Once I read the note, it disintegrated into thin air.  Then all the food appeared on the table.  My stomach burned for me to eat something, but I knew I would just cough it up later, so I didn’t eat it.  I found a pencil and paper on the table too.  I wrote yet another note to Niall.  But this time it was real, it was really what I wanted him to know.

            Dear Niall,

You have been the only love of my life.  Jake was never real love.  Every day I think of you.  Now I have to tell you exactly what happened to me.  The moment you left, I got up and cleaned up the hospital room.  Then I went into my room and sulked.  I sat on the couch that faced the outside window for 2 days.  Every time there was a movement in the garden I hoped it was you.  Around midday the next day, a note was slipped under my door. It said to meet you in forest in five minutes.  I immediately jumped to conclusions and ran out to meet you.  I later realized it wasn’t your handwriting on the note.  When I got to the forest I waited.  Someone grabbed me and drugged me.  I was taken to the place I am at now. I have no idea where I physically am though.  The person who took me is named Mathew.  Apparently you have some sort of history.  He has drunk my blood.  He has done it many times.  He is using me as a pawn to get to you.  One day while he was drinking my blood, I saw something.  I saw you in San Francisco.  I could hear your thoughts too.  It was weird, but I think it has to do with a bond we have.  Mathew made me write the other letter to you. He said he would kill you if I didn’t. He also said he would heal me if I did.  But he couldn’t heal me.  All his powers would bounce off me.  This is another thing I think might have to do with the bond.  Anyways, I think I have bronchitis. that’s what Mathew said anyways..  I am constantly coughing up blood, and since Mathew can’t heal me, I am going to die.  Before I die, I want to tell you some stuff.  I love you so much.  Every time I see you, my heart flutters.  When I first saw you, I was amazed. My mind blanked and all I felt was love for you.  It is impossible for me to go any second without thinking about you.  I know I am going to die soon.  It’s ok though. I will always be with you.  I love you more than words can explain Niall. Just know I will always be in your heart.



I left the note on the table and walked over to my bed. I was feeling tired.  The blanket was now gone from the bed, so I just lied down on the mattress.  Too tired to resist, I shut my eyes and drifted to sleep.


 I woke up to a small mumble in the corner.  It was Mathew.

“What do you want Mathew?” I asked.

“Nothing, I was just watching you sleep.” He whispered.

“Stalker much?” I hissed.

“No you were talking about Niall, and I decided if I was going to incinerate you I might as well have some fun watching you worship over him.” He said.

“Whatever,” I whispered.  All of a sudden he vanished out of the air.  I looked around.  I heard a low grumble.

“Mathew stop tricking me!” I yelled.  But no response came.  My heart started to race.  My heart pace made me cough.  A slow trickle of blood came down my chin.  That’s when I saw him.  The perfectly quiffed hair.  The sparkling blue eyes.  But it wasn’t Niall. It was Louis.

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