My Fate (One Direction FanFic)

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My Fate


I walked up the stairs of the Matching Facilities for my town. I lived in Los Angeles. This city once was one of the biggest in the world, but when the vampires took over, it became one of the most rural, and desolate. I entered the room, which would decide my fate. I was wearing my most beautiful dress. It was a deep red. It was perfect for me. I had straight brown hair, but bright green eyes. As I walked into the room, one of the vampires caught my attention. He was blond with blue eyes. He had a green chain around his neck. He looked much younger than all the other vampires, but more superior. He noticed me admiring him, and looked me right in the eye. The room melted away, and the only thought my brain could think of was love. My love for my family that I had to leave for the matching. He peeled his eyes off mine, and sat down. He sat on the side that the vampires sat on. I went my way to the side the humans sat on. I took a seat and waited for the matching to begin.

"Welcome to the 15th annual matching ceremony in Los Angeles! We would like to congratulate the vampires for having 15 successful years in rule. We would all like to remember the day in 2014 that they took over. And today, that will be your matching day, January 1, 2029. Now let me say one thing before the matching starts. One of you lucky little ladies will be matched with, Lord Niall James Horan! This is his first time he has wished to be in the matching pool! Now let the matching begin!" William Crone shouted into the mic.

One by one girls got picked. The Lord and I still never given one thought to. We were down to 5 humans and 5 vampires left.

"Lord Niall, you are next." The Lord made his way up to the stage.

"Now your match came from a poor family. She however is one of the smartest in her grade. Her parents were one of the last humans that had a child without being forced! Let me welcome Lord Niall's match... Miss Scarlett Tobey" William shouted.

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