Epilogue: One Year Later

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Taka's POV

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Taka's POV

A lot has changed in the last year, Lila and Sina had their cubs. Sina had a boy called Axel and a girl called Sarah. Axel was born first and is the future king of the Savannah pride. Lila had three cubs two girls and one boy. Their names are Ivy, Eve and Uri. Ivy is the oldest and is the future queen of the western pride.

I fell in love with Vitani even though she is older then me and she loves me. She has just given birth to two healthy cubs. But Kiara has also given birth to two healthy cubs. I got to name the boy Mufasa after my great uncle. While Vitani named our daughter after her real mother Tamia.

Our whole family gathers around us to hear names of the four new arrivals. "Can I named one?" Sarah asks.

"No you can't sweety" Sina tells her gently.

"Why not?" Axel asks hes confused.

"Because that's the parents job" Carl tells him as he rubs against Sina.

"What did you name your son Uncle Taka?" Ivy asks me.

"Mufasa after my great uncle" I tell her.

"Thank you Taka" Simba tells me smiling.

"What's the girls name?" Eve asks.

"Tami, after our real mother" Vitani states smiling at Kovu and my mother.

"She'd be honoured that you named you cub after her" Mum tells Vitani.

"Now it's Uncle Kovu's turn" Uri reminds us.

"Did you want to tell them the name you chose?" Kovu asks Kiara who nods her head.

"Sure, this little one is Shani" Kiara says licking the light coloured cub in front of her.

"And the other?" Nala asks.

"She's Olivia" Kovu says smiling.

"They're both girls?" Lila asks.

"Yes, Shani is the oldest" Kiara clarifies.

"Though we may try again in future for a son" Kovu states. "But no matter want Shani will be queen, even if we do have a son in the future" Kovu assures us.

"So when will you guys be leaving for the south?" Leo asks me.

"Not for awhile yet father, Tami and Mufasa are still to young for such a big move" I tell him.

"Feel free to stay as long as you like" Kiara tells Vitani and I.

"Yeah you're family and are always welcome here" Kovu adds.

"Thanks, but we'll leave in a few months when the cubs are older" Vitani tells him.  "But until then let's focus on our new arrivals" she states as Mufasa wakes with a yawn. She gently nudges our two cubs to her stomach so that they can have a feed. Kiara does the same with her two daughters.

"Hey guys let's go play by the watering hole" Uri announces. The other cubs cheer and run out of the den.

"We'll go watch them" Nala assures the parents before leaving with Simba, Mum, Dad and Carl's parents. I knew they just wanted some grandparent time with the cubs. Right not Kiara's cubs are to young to leave the den and are completely dependent on her as my cubs are to Vitani.

"I'm sure Mufasa will do his name sack proud" Kiara states.

"And I'm sure Shani will be an amazing queen like you" Vitani says smiling.

"You two should rest" Lila tells them.

"I agree with Lila for once, labour is very tiring" Sina adds.

"Come on then dear, let's leave them to rest" Orion states as he leads Lila out of the den.

"Don't worry Kovu and Taka will look after the new arrivals & their mates" Carl assures Sina as they leave.

"Have I told you how much I love you Vitani?" I ask her as I lay down beside her.

"No, I believe you haven't" she says smiling.

"Well it's a lot" I tell her making Kiara and Kovu chuckle.

"A father, but still so young" Kovu says smiling.

"I'm grown up now" I pout and they all laugh at me. "Where's the love Vitani?" I ask her.

"Your so cute when you try to be all manly, it's one of the reasons why I love you" she states licking my cheek. "I'm going to take a nap now" she tells me laying her head down.

"Don't worry, I'll be right here when you wake up" I assure her laying my head across her neck. I notice Kovu and Kiara also going to sleep. Slowly my eyes close and I dream about the bright future ahead of us. No more fighting just peace and harmony in the pride lands.

The End


Picture above of Taka (remember hehas blue eyes, not green) and Vitani with their two cubs. Picture on the external link of Kiara's two female cubs in between her front paws. Pictures in chapter of Sina, Carl, Lila and Orion's five cubs with their names included.

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