Kiara's Birth

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Yuki's POV

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Yuki's POV

Lila and Sin are now nearly two months old. New has just arrived that Nala has given birth finally. So Leo and I along with our pride are returning early from our hunting trip. For the presentation of my new niece or nephew. "Mama, where are we going?" Sina asks.

"Back to pride rock, your cousin was born" I explain.

"Really, I'm going to teach him or her all my tricks" Sina states happily bouncing around.

"He or she is to young to play with you yet Sina, we wouldn't want to hurt the future ruler of the Pride lands would we" Leo reminds her.

"Yes Papa" Sina says calming down, she only ever listens to him.

"If it's a girl Mama will she be training with me?" Lila asks.

"Yes sweety, but remember he or she's only just been born and won't start training for a while" I tell her. The rest of the journey was made in silence, but everyone in the pride was excited to met the new arrival. I pray our cubs don't have to go through the same thing we did at their age.

When we reached the pride lands our pride joined Simba's. While Leo and I lead our girls to pride rock. While Sina run to greet Simba, Lila walked calmly by my side. "Nice to see you again cousin" I say rubbing my head against Simba in greeting. "Where's my niece or nephew?" I ask him.

"Over here Yuki" Nala calls me smiling happily. Sarabi and her (Nala's) mother Sarafina were beside her. Leo greets Simba while I lead our two girls over to the new mother. "Allow me to introduce you to Kiara" Nala states as she looks at the newborn in front of her.

"She's gorgeous Nala, you know how we always wondered what Simba would look like as a girl. Now we know" I tell her and we all laugh quietly. "My my, she is a feisty little rascal" I state as Kiara swipes at Sina.

"She'll be strong, won't she grandma?" Lila asks Sarabi.

"Yes, she'll be a great queen. Even though we may not live to see it" Sarabi whispers the last part looking at Sarafina. They are both getting old now, but are still our best hunters apart from Nala & I.

"Nala the herds are gathering now" Simba states as he appears with Leo.

"So this is Kiara, she'll be a strong queen one day" Leo says looking at our new niece.

"Have you thought of having an other cub Yuki?" Sarafina asks.

"Nala has just given birth and I have two daughters already. But maybe when they are older we may try again" I tell her.

"I don't mind trying now" Leo whispers in my ear and I bump his shoulder. "It was a joke Princess" he states. But I could tell he really wanted an other cub. We all went to the entrance of the cave with Nala carrying Kiara. While Leo, Sarabi, Lila, Sarafina, Sina and I watched from the entrance. Nala and Simba continued towards Rafiki who took Kiara from Nala gently.

Before raising her for all the herds and both prides to see. The herds bowed to the future queen and the prides roared their approval. Then Rafiki brought her back down into his arms where Nala and Simba took turns rubbing their daughter's cheeks. Meanwhile I heard Timon and Pumba crying.

"Ah Pumba look at that little guy, a chip off the old block. You gotta know who has to raise him" I hear Timon says.

"His parents" Pumba answers.

"Sure technically, but who is going to teach him the really important stuff. Like how to belch and dig for grubs?" Timon asks. "I'm telling you buddy it'll be like old times; you, me and the little guy" Timon states.

"It's a girl" Rafiki and I tell them together.

"A girl" Timon states.

"A girl!" Pumba and he exclaim before Timon faints. Making Sina and Lila laugh while I giggle. Simba and Nala's pride go do the hunting as mine & Leo's pride just got back. I return with the other lionesses and the cubs to the den. While Leo tells Simba want's happening around our borders.

"You know I think she'll be a perfect mix between Lila and Sina" I state as we lay down. Lila and Sina sleeping beside me while Nala nurses Kiara. "She'll be a strong leader, but also know when to have fun" I explain.

"I agree with you there" Nala states and the two older lionesses nod their heads in agreement. While my lionesses are taking a little nap until food arrives. "I'm going to rest until the food comes" Nala tells us and we all end up taking a cat nap. As I fall asleep I feel Leo return and lay beside me.


Picture above of Rafiki holding Kiara with Simba and Nala beside him. Video above of the opening scene to Lino King 2. Picture in the chapter of Lila and Sina now.

Lila and Sina: Lion King 2Where stories live. Discover now